Local nature reserve
Alderman Canal West
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | TM153443 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Alderman Canal West | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-03-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((1.140715 52.055254, 1.141384 52.055387, 1.141386 52.055396, 1.141338 52.055527, 1.140975 52.056381, 1.140924 52.056422, 1.140763 52.056478, 1.140668 52.056424, 1.140583 52.0564, 1.140557 52.056399, 1.140677 52.056448, 1.140637 52.056488, 1.140608 52.056482, 1.140513 52.056492, 1.140292 52.056449, 1.139531 52.056407, 1.139388 52.056392, 1.139278 52.056366, 1.139192 52.056325, 1.138815 52.056068, 1.13863 52.055961, 1.138615 52.055974, 1.138449 52.055871, 1.138295 52.055766, 1.138328 52.055735, 1.138401 52.055737, 1.138307 52.055711, 1.138229 52.055667, 1.138256 52.055647, 1.138262 52.055662, 1.138295 52.055683, 1.138497 52.055736, 1.138546 52.055757, 1.138729 52.055859, 1.139115 52.05611, 1.139276 52.0562, 1.139406 52.056258, 1.139561 52.056291, 1.140155 52.056332, 1.140244 52.055989, 1.140306 52.055595, 1.140379 52.0556, 1.14025 52.055402, 1.140224 52.055347, 1.140273 52.055202, 1.140382 52.055219, 1.140358 52.055294, 1.140367 52.05541, 1.140381 52.055474, 1.14043 52.055548, 1.140502 52.055601, 1.140571 52.055579, 1.140681 52.055247, 1.140715 52.055254)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (1.140411 52.055928)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "TM153443",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Alderman Canal West",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-03-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((1.140715 52.055254, 1.141384 52.055387, 1.141386 52.055396, 1.141338 52.055527, 1.140975 52.056381, 1.140924 52.056422, 1.140763 52.056478, 1.140668 52.056424, 1.140583 52.0564, 1.140557 52.056399, 1.140677 52.056448, 1.140637 52.056488, 1.140608 52.056482, 1.140513 52.056492, 1.140292 52.056449, 1.139531 52.056407, 1.139388 52.056392, 1.139278 52.056366, 1.139192 52.056325, 1.138815 52.056068, 1.13863 52.055961, 1.138615 52.055974, 1.138449 52.055871, 1.138295 52.055766, 1.138328 52.055735, 1.138401 52.055737, 1.138307 52.055711, 1.138229 52.055667, 1.138256 52.055647, 1.138262 52.055662, 1.138295 52.055683, 1.138497 52.055736, 1.138546 52.055757, 1.138729 52.055859, 1.139115 52.05611, 1.139276 52.0562, 1.139406 52.056258, 1.139561 52.056291, 1.140155 52.056332, 1.140244 52.055989, 1.140306 52.055595, 1.140379 52.0556, 1.14025 52.055402, 1.140224 52.055347, 1.140273 52.055202, 1.140382 52.055219, 1.140358 52.055294, 1.140367 52.05541, 1.140381 52.055474, 1.14043 52.055548, 1.140502 52.055601, 1.140571 52.055579, 1.140681 52.055247, 1.140715 52.055254)))",
"point": "POINT (1.140411 52.055928)",
"entity": 45250019,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.