Local nature reserve

Barnham Cross Common

Field Value Fact links
Reference TL865813 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Barnham Cross Common Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.74677 52.400406, 0.747026 52.401013, 0.747278 52.401641, 0.747371 52.401824, 0.747393 52.401838, 0.747363 52.401856, 0.747381 52.40187, 0.747379 52.401899, 0.747703 52.402725, 0.747836 52.403031, 0.74798 52.403393, 0.748271 52.404051, 0.749118 52.406138, 0.748959 52.406155, 0.748851 52.406009, 0.748681 52.405859, 0.748494 52.405738, 0.748207 52.405602, 0.745506 52.404454, 0.745382 52.404438, 0.745259 52.404448, 0.745189 52.404445, 0.745144 52.404431, 0.745102 52.404404, 0.743036 52.401391, 0.742481 52.400567, 0.740461 52.401075, 0.740015 52.401202, 0.736498 52.402066, 0.736299 52.401643, 0.736173 52.401333, 0.735961 52.400873, 0.735941 52.400741, 0.735968 52.400631, 0.73597 52.400582, 0.735949 52.400502, 0.735899 52.400432, 0.73582 52.400365, 0.735763 52.400304, 0.73569 52.40019, 0.735622 52.399901, 0.735618 52.399849, 0.735431 52.399505, 0.735266 52.399251, 0.735156 52.399048, 0.734973 52.398616, 0.734803 52.398291, 0.73477 52.39819, 0.734725 52.39798, 0.734699 52.397969, 0.73468 52.39795, 0.734619 52.397836, 0.733958 52.396381, 0.733879 52.396186, 0.733768 52.395822, 0.733764 52.395736, 0.733779 52.395664, 0.733815 52.395613, 0.733895 52.395543, 0.734179 52.395351, 0.734993 52.395336, 0.736296 52.395266, 0.73753 52.395117, 0.737829 52.394648, 0.738482 52.393095, 0.738662 52.393077, 0.73869 52.393067, 0.740463 52.392341, 0.740483 52.392321, 0.740629 52.392313, 0.740714 52.392292, 0.740796 52.392262, 0.740903 52.392205, 0.740943 52.392192, 0.741012 52.392188, 0.741075 52.392202, 0.741139 52.392239, 0.741157 52.392263, 0.741162 52.392284, 0.741154 52.39235, 0.741114 52.392458, 0.741104 52.39251, 0.741109 52.392617, 0.741136 52.392646, 0.741193 52.392663, 0.741338 52.392648, 0.741498 52.39265, 0.741712 52.39268, 0.741774 52.392681, 0.741803 52.392721, 0.741834 52.392805, 0.741878 52.392866, 0.741944 52.39294, 0.742027 52.393005, 0.742156 52.39307, 0.742366 52.393136, 0.74256 52.393166, 0.742693 52.393204, 0.742749 52.393245, 0.742808 52.393367, 0.742957 52.393726, 0.743155 52.394012, 0.74329 52.394245, 0.743359 52.394308, 0.743484 52.394385, 0.743745 52.394526, 0.744037 52.394701, 0.744108 52.394766, 0.74417 52.39484, 0.744227 52.394927, 0.744261 52.395052, 0.74426 52.395107, 0.744303 52.395205, 0.744351 52.395275, 0.744392 52.395325, 0.74456 52.395489, 0.744606 52.395527, 0.744711 52.395591, 0.744516 52.395627, 0.743524 52.395757, 0.743364 52.39579, 0.743187 52.395849, 0.743116 52.395881, 0.743028 52.395937, 0.743014 52.39595, 0.743 52.395984, 0.743002 52.396019, 0.743014 52.396047, 0.743075 52.396115, 0.743353 52.396496, 0.743784 52.397197, 0.743854 52.397366, 0.743981 52.397604, 0.744162 52.397841, 0.744262 52.397955, 0.744305 52.397992, 0.744373 52.39803, 0.744949 52.398109, 0.745324 52.398199, 0.745772 52.398208, 0.745878 52.398233, 0.746203 52.398595, 0.746382 52.39876, 0.746488 52.398831, 0.746688 52.39894, 0.747113 52.399279, 0.747347 52.399449, 0.748016 52.399701, 0.748094 52.399738, 0.748299 52.39989, 0.748415 52.399988, 0.748346 52.400001, 0.748093 52.399943, 0.747804 52.400051, 0.747806 52.40008, 0.747788 52.400079, 0.746755 52.400371, 0.74677 52.400406))) Facts
Point POINT (0.741186 52.398519) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "TL865813",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Barnham Cross Common",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.74677 52.400406, 0.747026 52.401013, 0.747278 52.401641, 0.747371 52.401824, 0.747393 52.401838, 0.747363 52.401856, 0.747381 52.40187, 0.747379 52.401899, 0.747703 52.402725, 0.747836 52.403031, 0.74798 52.403393, 0.748271 52.404051, 0.749118 52.406138, 0.748959 52.406155, 0.748851 52.406009, 0.748681 52.405859, 0.748494 52.405738, 0.748207 52.405602, 0.745506 52.404454, 0.745382 52.404438, 0.745259 52.404448, 0.745189 52.404445, 0.745144 52.404431, 0.745102 52.404404, 0.743036 52.401391, 0.742481 52.400567, 0.740461 52.401075, 0.740015 52.401202, 0.736498 52.402066, 0.736299 52.401643, 0.736173 52.401333, 0.735961 52.400873, 0.735941 52.400741, 0.735968 52.400631, 0.73597 52.400582, 0.735949 52.400502, 0.735899 52.400432, 0.73582 52.400365, 0.735763 52.400304, 0.73569 52.40019, 0.735622 52.399901, 0.735618 52.399849, 0.735431 52.399505, 0.735266 52.399251, 0.735156 52.399048, 0.734973 52.398616, 0.734803 52.398291, 0.73477 52.39819, 0.734725 52.39798, 0.734699 52.397969, 0.73468 52.39795, 0.734619 52.397836, 0.733958 52.396381, 0.733879 52.396186, 0.733768 52.395822, 0.733764 52.395736, 0.733779 52.395664, 0.733815 52.395613, 0.733895 52.395543, 0.734179 52.395351, 0.734993 52.395336, 0.736296 52.395266, 0.73753 52.395117, 0.737829 52.394648, 0.738482 52.393095, 0.738662 52.393077, 0.73869 52.393067, 0.740463 52.392341, 0.740483 52.392321, 0.740629 52.392313, 0.740714 52.392292, 0.740796 52.392262, 0.740903 52.392205, 0.740943 52.392192, 0.741012 52.392188, 0.741075 52.392202, 0.741139 52.392239, 0.741157 52.392263, 0.741162 52.392284, 0.741154 52.39235, 0.741114 52.392458, 0.741104 52.39251, 0.741109 52.392617, 0.741136 52.392646, 0.741193 52.392663, 0.741338 52.392648, 0.741498 52.39265, 0.741712 52.39268, 0.741774 52.392681, 0.741803 52.392721, 0.741834 52.392805, 0.741878 52.392866, 0.741944 52.39294, 0.742027 52.393005, 0.742156 52.39307, 0.742366 52.393136, 0.74256 52.393166, 0.742693 52.393204, 0.742749 52.393245, 0.742808 52.393367, 0.742957 52.393726, 0.743155 52.394012, 0.74329 52.394245, 0.743359 52.394308, 0.743484 52.394385, 0.743745 52.394526, 0.744037 52.394701, 0.744108 52.394766, 0.74417 52.39484, 0.744227 52.394927, 0.744261 52.395052, 0.74426 52.395107, 0.744303 52.395205, 0.744351 52.395275, 0.744392 52.395325, 0.74456 52.395489, 0.744606 52.395527, 0.744711 52.395591, 0.744516 52.395627, 0.743524 52.395757, 0.743364 52.39579, 0.743187 52.395849, 0.743116 52.395881, 0.743028 52.395937, 0.743014 52.39595, 0.743 52.395984, 0.743002 52.396019, 0.743014 52.396047, 0.743075 52.396115, 0.743353 52.396496, 0.743784 52.397197, 0.743854 52.397366, 0.743981 52.397604, 0.744162 52.397841, 0.744262 52.397955, 0.744305 52.397992, 0.744373 52.39803, 0.744949 52.398109, 0.745324 52.398199, 0.745772 52.398208, 0.745878 52.398233, 0.746203 52.398595, 0.746382 52.39876, 0.746488 52.398831, 0.746688 52.39894, 0.747113 52.399279, 0.747347 52.399449, 0.748016 52.399701, 0.748094 52.399738, 0.748299 52.39989, 0.748415 52.399988, 0.748346 52.400001, 0.748093 52.399943, 0.747804 52.400051, 0.747806 52.40008, 0.747788 52.400079, 0.746755 52.400371, 0.74677 52.400406)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.741186 52.398519)",
    "entity": 45250074,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area