Local nature reserve

Kenwith Valley

Field Value Fact links
Reference SS447272 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Kenwith Valley Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.212648 51.022241, -4.212389 51.022247, -4.212368 51.022237, -4.212313 51.022238, -4.212288 51.022249, -4.212259 51.022249, -4.212244 51.022238, -4.212201 51.022238, -4.212169 51.022239, -4.212146 51.022251, -4.212105 51.022242, -4.212059 51.02226, -4.212053 51.022284, -4.212134 51.022406, -4.212202 51.022383, -4.212233 51.022418, -4.212069 51.022476, -4.211852 51.022482, -4.211768 51.022475, -4.211708 51.022459, -4.21167 51.022439, -4.211595 51.022372, -4.211476 51.02229, -4.211239 51.022205, -4.211157 51.022162, -4.211089 51.022139, -4.210808 51.022076, -4.210666 51.022061, -4.210493 51.022051, -4.210471 51.022097, -4.210504 51.022086, -4.210576 51.022089, -4.210807 51.022113, -4.210814 51.022146, -4.210926 51.022139, -4.210936 51.022177, -4.211018 51.022168, -4.211148 51.022222, -4.211173 51.022252, -4.211299 51.0223, -4.2114 51.02231, -4.211444 51.022334, -4.212017 51.02291, -4.212409 51.023278, -4.212452 51.023331, -4.212326 51.023314, -4.212297 51.023323, -4.212269 51.023346, -4.212305 51.023376, -4.212651 51.023505, -4.21311 51.023741, -4.212759 51.023985, -4.21341 51.024389, -4.213518 51.024467, -4.213623 51.024577, -4.213682 51.024594, -4.213706 51.024627, -4.213684 51.024674, -4.213702 51.024725, -4.213714 51.024742, -4.213744 51.024753, -4.213756 51.024793, -4.215032 51.024748, -4.215037 51.024866, -4.215159 51.024871, -4.215358 51.024865, -4.215827 51.024824, -4.216222 51.024771, -4.216495 51.024724, -4.216917 51.024631, -4.216983 51.024624, -4.217184 51.024627, -4.217355 51.024605, -4.217449 51.024589, -4.217645 51.024533, -4.217675 51.024496, -4.217705 51.024476, -4.21776 51.024494, -4.217785 51.024491, -4.217798 51.024515, -4.218074 51.02447, -4.218948 51.024171, -4.220114 51.023857, -4.220178 51.023828, -4.220256 51.023763, -4.220242 51.023757, -4.22022 51.023699, -4.220121 51.023633, -4.220131 51.023601, -4.220131 51.023554, -4.219983 51.023001, -4.219904 51.023, -4.219773 51.023015, -4.219344 51.023086, -4.219078 51.023118, -4.218923 51.023152, -4.218809 51.023166, -4.218767 51.02318, -4.218602 51.0232, -4.218218 51.023332, -4.218078 51.023344, -4.217838 51.023337, -4.217661 51.02336, -4.217668 51.023313, -4.217558 51.02316, -4.217363 51.022794, -4.215116 51.022631, -4.214435 51.022574, -4.214462 51.022481, -4.214466 51.022352, -4.214224 51.022354, -4.213965 51.022328, -4.213628 51.022273, -4.213576 51.022268, -4.213494 51.02228, -4.213466 51.022243, -4.213418 51.022236, -4.213364 51.022269, -4.21325 51.022269, -4.213191 51.022237, -4.213174 51.022237, -4.213173 51.022227, -4.212865 51.022236, -4.212785 51.022226, -4.212777 51.022238, -4.212648 51.022241))) Facts
Point POINT (-4.215629 51.02357) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SS447272",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Kenwith Valley",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.212648 51.022241, -4.212389 51.022247, -4.212368 51.022237, -4.212313 51.022238, -4.212288 51.022249, -4.212259 51.022249, -4.212244 51.022238, -4.212201 51.022238, -4.212169 51.022239, -4.212146 51.022251, -4.212105 51.022242, -4.212059 51.02226, -4.212053 51.022284, -4.212134 51.022406, -4.212202 51.022383, -4.212233 51.022418, -4.212069 51.022476, -4.211852 51.022482, -4.211768 51.022475, -4.211708 51.022459, -4.21167 51.022439, -4.211595 51.022372, -4.211476 51.02229, -4.211239 51.022205, -4.211157 51.022162, -4.211089 51.022139, -4.210808 51.022076, -4.210666 51.022061, -4.210493 51.022051, -4.210471 51.022097, -4.210504 51.022086, -4.210576 51.022089, -4.210807 51.022113, -4.210814 51.022146, -4.210926 51.022139, -4.210936 51.022177, -4.211018 51.022168, -4.211148 51.022222, -4.211173 51.022252, -4.211299 51.0223, -4.2114 51.02231, -4.211444 51.022334, -4.212017 51.02291, -4.212409 51.023278, -4.212452 51.023331, -4.212326 51.023314, -4.212297 51.023323, -4.212269 51.023346, -4.212305 51.023376, -4.212651 51.023505, -4.21311 51.023741, -4.212759 51.023985, -4.21341 51.024389, -4.213518 51.024467, -4.213623 51.024577, -4.213682 51.024594, -4.213706 51.024627, -4.213684 51.024674, -4.213702 51.024725, -4.213714 51.024742, -4.213744 51.024753, -4.213756 51.024793, -4.215032 51.024748, -4.215037 51.024866, -4.215159 51.024871, -4.215358 51.024865, -4.215827 51.024824, -4.216222 51.024771, -4.216495 51.024724, -4.216917 51.024631, -4.216983 51.024624, -4.217184 51.024627, -4.217355 51.024605, -4.217449 51.024589, -4.217645 51.024533, -4.217675 51.024496, -4.217705 51.024476, -4.21776 51.024494, -4.217785 51.024491, -4.217798 51.024515, -4.218074 51.02447, -4.218948 51.024171, -4.220114 51.023857, -4.220178 51.023828, -4.220256 51.023763, -4.220242 51.023757, -4.22022 51.023699, -4.220121 51.023633, -4.220131 51.023601, -4.220131 51.023554, -4.219983 51.023001, -4.219904 51.023, -4.219773 51.023015, -4.219344 51.023086, -4.219078 51.023118, -4.218923 51.023152, -4.218809 51.023166, -4.218767 51.02318, -4.218602 51.0232, -4.218218 51.023332, -4.218078 51.023344, -4.217838 51.023337, -4.217661 51.02336, -4.217668 51.023313, -4.217558 51.02316, -4.217363 51.022794, -4.215116 51.022631, -4.214435 51.022574, -4.214462 51.022481, -4.214466 51.022352, -4.214224 51.022354, -4.213965 51.022328, -4.213628 51.022273, -4.213576 51.022268, -4.213494 51.02228, -4.213466 51.022243, -4.213418 51.022236, -4.213364 51.022269, -4.21325 51.022269, -4.213191 51.022237, -4.213174 51.022237, -4.213173 51.022227, -4.212865 51.022236, -4.212785 51.022226, -4.212777 51.022238, -4.212648 51.022241)))",
    "point": "POINT (-4.215629 51.02357)",
    "entity": 45250615,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area