Local nature reserve
Kenwith Valley
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | SS447272 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Kenwith Valley | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-03-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.212648 51.022241, -4.212389 51.022247, -4.212368 51.022237, -4.212313 51.022238, -4.212288 51.022249, -4.212259 51.022249, -4.212244 51.022238, -4.212201 51.022238, -4.212169 51.022239, -4.212146 51.022251, -4.212105 51.022242, -4.212059 51.02226, -4.212053 51.022284, -4.212134 51.022406, -4.212202 51.022383, -4.212233 51.022418, -4.212069 51.022476, -4.211852 51.022482, -4.211768 51.022475, -4.211708 51.022459, -4.21167 51.022439, -4.211595 51.022372, -4.211476 51.02229, -4.211239 51.022205, -4.211157 51.022162, -4.211089 51.022139, -4.210808 51.022076, -4.210666 51.022061, -4.210493 51.022051, -4.210471 51.022097, -4.210504 51.022086, -4.210576 51.022089, -4.210807 51.022113, -4.210814 51.022146, -4.210926 51.022139, -4.210936 51.022177, -4.211018 51.022168, -4.211148 51.022222, -4.211173 51.022252, -4.211299 51.0223, -4.2114 51.02231, -4.211444 51.022334, -4.212017 51.02291, -4.212409 51.023278, -4.212452 51.023331, -4.212326 51.023314, -4.212297 51.023323, -4.212269 51.023346, -4.212305 51.023376, -4.212651 51.023505, -4.21311 51.023741, -4.212759 51.023985, -4.21341 51.024389, -4.213518 51.024467, -4.213623 51.024577, -4.213682 51.024594, -4.213706 51.024627, -4.213684 51.024674, -4.213702 51.024725, -4.213714 51.024742, -4.213744 51.024753, -4.213756 51.024793, -4.215032 51.024748, -4.215037 51.024866, -4.215159 51.024871, -4.215358 51.024865, -4.215827 51.024824, -4.216222 51.024771, -4.216495 51.024724, -4.216917 51.024631, -4.216983 51.024624, -4.217184 51.024627, -4.217355 51.024605, -4.217449 51.024589, -4.217645 51.024533, -4.217675 51.024496, -4.217705 51.024476, -4.21776 51.024494, -4.217785 51.024491, -4.217798 51.024515, -4.218074 51.02447, -4.218948 51.024171, -4.220114 51.023857, -4.220178 51.023828, -4.220256 51.023763, -4.220242 51.023757, -4.22022 51.023699, -4.220121 51.023633, -4.220131 51.023601, -4.220131 51.023554, -4.219983 51.023001, -4.219904 51.023, -4.219773 51.023015, -4.219344 51.023086, -4.219078 51.023118, -4.218923 51.023152, -4.218809 51.023166, -4.218767 51.02318, -4.218602 51.0232, -4.218218 51.023332, -4.218078 51.023344, -4.217838 51.023337, -4.217661 51.02336, -4.217668 51.023313, -4.217558 51.02316, -4.217363 51.022794, -4.215116 51.022631, -4.214435 51.022574, -4.214462 51.022481, -4.214466 51.022352, -4.214224 51.022354, -4.213965 51.022328, -4.213628 51.022273, -4.213576 51.022268, -4.213494 51.02228, -4.213466 51.022243, -4.213418 51.022236, -4.213364 51.022269, -4.21325 51.022269, -4.213191 51.022237, -4.213174 51.022237, -4.213173 51.022227, -4.212865 51.022236, -4.212785 51.022226, -4.212777 51.022238, -4.212648 51.022241)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-4.215629 51.02357)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "SS447272",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Kenwith Valley",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-03-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.212648 51.022241, -4.212389 51.022247, -4.212368 51.022237, -4.212313 51.022238, -4.212288 51.022249, -4.212259 51.022249, -4.212244 51.022238, -4.212201 51.022238, -4.212169 51.022239, -4.212146 51.022251, -4.212105 51.022242, -4.212059 51.02226, -4.212053 51.022284, -4.212134 51.022406, -4.212202 51.022383, -4.212233 51.022418, -4.212069 51.022476, -4.211852 51.022482, -4.211768 51.022475, -4.211708 51.022459, -4.21167 51.022439, -4.211595 51.022372, -4.211476 51.02229, -4.211239 51.022205, -4.211157 51.022162, -4.211089 51.022139, -4.210808 51.022076, -4.210666 51.022061, -4.210493 51.022051, -4.210471 51.022097, -4.210504 51.022086, -4.210576 51.022089, -4.210807 51.022113, -4.210814 51.022146, -4.210926 51.022139, -4.210936 51.022177, -4.211018 51.022168, -4.211148 51.022222, -4.211173 51.022252, -4.211299 51.0223, -4.2114 51.02231, -4.211444 51.022334, -4.212017 51.02291, -4.212409 51.023278, -4.212452 51.023331, -4.212326 51.023314, -4.212297 51.023323, -4.212269 51.023346, -4.212305 51.023376, -4.212651 51.023505, -4.21311 51.023741, -4.212759 51.023985, -4.21341 51.024389, -4.213518 51.024467, -4.213623 51.024577, -4.213682 51.024594, -4.213706 51.024627, -4.213684 51.024674, -4.213702 51.024725, -4.213714 51.024742, -4.213744 51.024753, -4.213756 51.024793, -4.215032 51.024748, -4.215037 51.024866, -4.215159 51.024871, -4.215358 51.024865, -4.215827 51.024824, -4.216222 51.024771, -4.216495 51.024724, -4.216917 51.024631, -4.216983 51.024624, -4.217184 51.024627, -4.217355 51.024605, -4.217449 51.024589, -4.217645 51.024533, -4.217675 51.024496, -4.217705 51.024476, -4.21776 51.024494, -4.217785 51.024491, -4.217798 51.024515, -4.218074 51.02447, -4.218948 51.024171, -4.220114 51.023857, -4.220178 51.023828, -4.220256 51.023763, -4.220242 51.023757, -4.22022 51.023699, -4.220121 51.023633, -4.220131 51.023601, -4.220131 51.023554, -4.219983 51.023001, -4.219904 51.023, -4.219773 51.023015, -4.219344 51.023086, -4.219078 51.023118, -4.218923 51.023152, -4.218809 51.023166, -4.218767 51.02318, -4.218602 51.0232, -4.218218 51.023332, -4.218078 51.023344, -4.217838 51.023337, -4.217661 51.02336, -4.217668 51.023313, -4.217558 51.02316, -4.217363 51.022794, -4.215116 51.022631, -4.214435 51.022574, -4.214462 51.022481, -4.214466 51.022352, -4.214224 51.022354, -4.213965 51.022328, -4.213628 51.022273, -4.213576 51.022268, -4.213494 51.02228, -4.213466 51.022243, -4.213418 51.022236, -4.213364 51.022269, -4.21325 51.022269, -4.213191 51.022237, -4.213174 51.022237, -4.213173 51.022227, -4.212865 51.022236, -4.212785 51.022226, -4.212777 51.022238, -4.212648 51.022241)))",
"point": "POINT (-4.215629 51.02357)",
"entity": 45250615,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.