Devon Park Pastures
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | SK788528 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Devon Park Pastures | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-03-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.826309 53.063867, -0.82644 53.063825, -0.826541 53.063782, -0.826891 53.0636, -0.827078 53.063447, -0.827906 53.063633, -0.827742 53.063788, -0.827551 53.063945, -0.827528 53.063976, -0.827535 53.063992, -0.82751 53.064007, -0.827459 53.064015, -0.826777 53.064006, -0.826637 53.063998, -0.826606 53.064008, -0.826586 53.063998, -0.826309 53.063867)), ((-0.822675 53.068715, -0.823114 53.068845, -0.823494 53.0684, -0.823008 53.068258, -0.823599 53.067382, -0.823673 53.067287, -0.823834 53.067124, -0.82393 53.066958, -0.824047 53.066697, -0.824072 53.066599, -0.824091 53.066423, -0.825197 53.06535, -0.825477 53.065548, -0.825517 53.065616, -0.825642 53.065715, -0.825594 53.065739, -0.825398 53.065873, -0.824873 53.066449, -0.824761 53.066581, -0.824677 53.066698, -0.824633 53.066779, -0.824625 53.066845, -0.824628 53.066894, -0.824696 53.067354, -0.824694 53.067409, -0.824619 53.067712, -0.824415 53.06835, -0.824385 53.068422, -0.824331 53.068516, -0.824288 53.068573, -0.824211 53.068656, -0.824135 53.068722, -0.824027 53.068783, -0.823802 53.068873, -0.823664 53.068955, -0.823632 53.068991, -0.823628 53.069014, -0.823663 53.069112, -0.823769 53.069358, -0.823787 53.069559, -0.823763 53.069792, -0.823333 53.069778, -0.822295 53.069632, -0.822669 53.069204, -0.822285 53.069075, -0.822421 53.068946, -0.822675 53.068715)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.824266 53.067416)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "SK788528",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Devon Park Pastures",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-03-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.826309 53.063867, -0.82644 53.063825, -0.826541 53.063782, -0.826891 53.0636, -0.827078 53.063447, -0.827906 53.063633, -0.827742 53.063788, -0.827551 53.063945, -0.827528 53.063976, -0.827535 53.063992, -0.82751 53.064007, -0.827459 53.064015, -0.826777 53.064006, -0.826637 53.063998, -0.826606 53.064008, -0.826586 53.063998, -0.826309 53.063867)), ((-0.822675 53.068715, -0.823114 53.068845, -0.823494 53.0684, -0.823008 53.068258, -0.823599 53.067382, -0.823673 53.067287, -0.823834 53.067124, -0.82393 53.066958, -0.824047 53.066697, -0.824072 53.066599, -0.824091 53.066423, -0.825197 53.06535, -0.825477 53.065548, -0.825517 53.065616, -0.825642 53.065715, -0.825594 53.065739, -0.825398 53.065873, -0.824873 53.066449, -0.824761 53.066581, -0.824677 53.066698, -0.824633 53.066779, -0.824625 53.066845, -0.824628 53.066894, -0.824696 53.067354, -0.824694 53.067409, -0.824619 53.067712, -0.824415 53.06835, -0.824385 53.068422, -0.824331 53.068516, -0.824288 53.068573, -0.824211 53.068656, -0.824135 53.068722, -0.824027 53.068783, -0.823802 53.068873, -0.823664 53.068955, -0.823632 53.068991, -0.823628 53.069014, -0.823663 53.069112, -0.823769 53.069358, -0.823787 53.069559, -0.823763 53.069792, -0.823333 53.069778, -0.822295 53.069632, -0.822669 53.069204, -0.822285 53.069075, -0.822421 53.068946, -0.822675 53.068715)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.824266 53.067416)",
"entity": 45250395,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.