Local nature reserve

Devon Park Pastures

Field Value Fact links
Reference SK788528 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Devon Park Pastures Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.826309 53.063867, -0.82644 53.063825, -0.826541 53.063782, -0.826891 53.0636, -0.827078 53.063447, -0.827906 53.063633, -0.827742 53.063788, -0.827551 53.063945, -0.827528 53.063976, -0.827535 53.063992, -0.82751 53.064007, -0.827459 53.064015, -0.826777 53.064006, -0.826637 53.063998, -0.826606 53.064008, -0.826586 53.063998, -0.826309 53.063867)), ((-0.822675 53.068715, -0.823114 53.068845, -0.823494 53.0684, -0.823008 53.068258, -0.823599 53.067382, -0.823673 53.067287, -0.823834 53.067124, -0.82393 53.066958, -0.824047 53.066697, -0.824072 53.066599, -0.824091 53.066423, -0.825197 53.06535, -0.825477 53.065548, -0.825517 53.065616, -0.825642 53.065715, -0.825594 53.065739, -0.825398 53.065873, -0.824873 53.066449, -0.824761 53.066581, -0.824677 53.066698, -0.824633 53.066779, -0.824625 53.066845, -0.824628 53.066894, -0.824696 53.067354, -0.824694 53.067409, -0.824619 53.067712, -0.824415 53.06835, -0.824385 53.068422, -0.824331 53.068516, -0.824288 53.068573, -0.824211 53.068656, -0.824135 53.068722, -0.824027 53.068783, -0.823802 53.068873, -0.823664 53.068955, -0.823632 53.068991, -0.823628 53.069014, -0.823663 53.069112, -0.823769 53.069358, -0.823787 53.069559, -0.823763 53.069792, -0.823333 53.069778, -0.822295 53.069632, -0.822669 53.069204, -0.822285 53.069075, -0.822421 53.068946, -0.822675 53.068715))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.824266 53.067416) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SK788528",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Devon Park Pastures",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.826309 53.063867, -0.82644 53.063825, -0.826541 53.063782, -0.826891 53.0636, -0.827078 53.063447, -0.827906 53.063633, -0.827742 53.063788, -0.827551 53.063945, -0.827528 53.063976, -0.827535 53.063992, -0.82751 53.064007, -0.827459 53.064015, -0.826777 53.064006, -0.826637 53.063998, -0.826606 53.064008, -0.826586 53.063998, -0.826309 53.063867)), ((-0.822675 53.068715, -0.823114 53.068845, -0.823494 53.0684, -0.823008 53.068258, -0.823599 53.067382, -0.823673 53.067287, -0.823834 53.067124, -0.82393 53.066958, -0.824047 53.066697, -0.824072 53.066599, -0.824091 53.066423, -0.825197 53.06535, -0.825477 53.065548, -0.825517 53.065616, -0.825642 53.065715, -0.825594 53.065739, -0.825398 53.065873, -0.824873 53.066449, -0.824761 53.066581, -0.824677 53.066698, -0.824633 53.066779, -0.824625 53.066845, -0.824628 53.066894, -0.824696 53.067354, -0.824694 53.067409, -0.824619 53.067712, -0.824415 53.06835, -0.824385 53.068422, -0.824331 53.068516, -0.824288 53.068573, -0.824211 53.068656, -0.824135 53.068722, -0.824027 53.068783, -0.823802 53.068873, -0.823664 53.068955, -0.823632 53.068991, -0.823628 53.069014, -0.823663 53.069112, -0.823769 53.069358, -0.823787 53.069559, -0.823763 53.069792, -0.823333 53.069778, -0.822295 53.069632, -0.822669 53.069204, -0.822285 53.069075, -0.822421 53.068946, -0.822675 53.068715)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.824266 53.067416)",
    "entity": 45250395,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area