Local nature reserve

Beeston Sidings

Field Value Fact links
Reference SK547377 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Beeston Sidings Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.187438 52.934468, -1.187453 52.934418, -1.187605 52.934289, -1.187775 52.934239, -1.189644 52.933383, -1.19056 52.93276, -1.190961 52.93247, -1.192824 52.931505, -1.193297 52.931335, -1.193736 52.931135, -1.193605 52.931042, -1.19421 52.930701, -1.194491 52.930572, -1.195136 52.930245, -1.195437 52.93011, -1.195573 52.930058, -1.195857 52.929969, -1.196096 52.92991, -1.196543 52.929739, -1.196638 52.929694, -1.19662 52.92968, -1.196593 52.929676, -1.196581 52.929663, -1.196608 52.92965, -1.195794 52.929092, -1.192513 52.931094, -1.192746 52.931229, -1.191396 52.932003, -1.191191 52.932105, -1.190876 52.932299, -1.190193 52.932699, -1.190156 52.932728, -1.189931 52.932852, -1.189745 52.932985, -1.189148 52.933268, -1.188455 52.933625, -1.187452 52.934204, -1.186772 52.933786, -1.184734 52.934964, -1.184145 52.935275, -1.184218 52.935371, -1.1848 52.936011, -1.184828 52.936021, -1.184877 52.936016, -1.185005 52.936034, -1.185081 52.93603, -1.185476 52.935832, -1.185514 52.935797, -1.185533 52.935733, -1.18556 52.935708, -1.185665 52.935683, -1.185788 52.935694, -1.185837 52.935693, -1.185865 52.935684, -1.186679 52.93522, -1.186702 52.935194, -1.186696 52.935156, -1.186645 52.935094, -1.186582 52.935037, -1.186943 52.934795, -1.187003 52.934743, -1.187035 52.934669, -1.187284 52.934511, -1.187353 52.934486, -1.187438 52.934468))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.189739 52.932893) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SK547377",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Beeston Sidings",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.187438 52.934468, -1.187453 52.934418, -1.187605 52.934289, -1.187775 52.934239, -1.189644 52.933383, -1.19056 52.93276, -1.190961 52.93247, -1.192824 52.931505, -1.193297 52.931335, -1.193736 52.931135, -1.193605 52.931042, -1.19421 52.930701, -1.194491 52.930572, -1.195136 52.930245, -1.195437 52.93011, -1.195573 52.930058, -1.195857 52.929969, -1.196096 52.92991, -1.196543 52.929739, -1.196638 52.929694, -1.19662 52.92968, -1.196593 52.929676, -1.196581 52.929663, -1.196608 52.92965, -1.195794 52.929092, -1.192513 52.931094, -1.192746 52.931229, -1.191396 52.932003, -1.191191 52.932105, -1.190876 52.932299, -1.190193 52.932699, -1.190156 52.932728, -1.189931 52.932852, -1.189745 52.932985, -1.189148 52.933268, -1.188455 52.933625, -1.187452 52.934204, -1.186772 52.933786, -1.184734 52.934964, -1.184145 52.935275, -1.184218 52.935371, -1.1848 52.936011, -1.184828 52.936021, -1.184877 52.936016, -1.185005 52.936034, -1.185081 52.93603, -1.185476 52.935832, -1.185514 52.935797, -1.185533 52.935733, -1.18556 52.935708, -1.185665 52.935683, -1.185788 52.935694, -1.185837 52.935693, -1.185865 52.935684, -1.186679 52.93522, -1.186702 52.935194, -1.186696 52.935156, -1.186645 52.935094, -1.186582 52.935037, -1.186943 52.934795, -1.187003 52.934743, -1.187035 52.934669, -1.187284 52.934511, -1.187353 52.934486, -1.187438 52.934468)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.189739 52.932893)",
    "entity": 45250088,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area