Local nature reserve
Beeston Sidings
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | SK547377 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Beeston Sidings | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-03-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.187438 52.934468, -1.187453 52.934418, -1.187605 52.934289, -1.187775 52.934239, -1.189644 52.933383, -1.19056 52.93276, -1.190961 52.93247, -1.192824 52.931505, -1.193297 52.931335, -1.193736 52.931135, -1.193605 52.931042, -1.19421 52.930701, -1.194491 52.930572, -1.195136 52.930245, -1.195437 52.93011, -1.195573 52.930058, -1.195857 52.929969, -1.196096 52.92991, -1.196543 52.929739, -1.196638 52.929694, -1.19662 52.92968, -1.196593 52.929676, -1.196581 52.929663, -1.196608 52.92965, -1.195794 52.929092, -1.192513 52.931094, -1.192746 52.931229, -1.191396 52.932003, -1.191191 52.932105, -1.190876 52.932299, -1.190193 52.932699, -1.190156 52.932728, -1.189931 52.932852, -1.189745 52.932985, -1.189148 52.933268, -1.188455 52.933625, -1.187452 52.934204, -1.186772 52.933786, -1.184734 52.934964, -1.184145 52.935275, -1.184218 52.935371, -1.1848 52.936011, -1.184828 52.936021, -1.184877 52.936016, -1.185005 52.936034, -1.185081 52.93603, -1.185476 52.935832, -1.185514 52.935797, -1.185533 52.935733, -1.18556 52.935708, -1.185665 52.935683, -1.185788 52.935694, -1.185837 52.935693, -1.185865 52.935684, -1.186679 52.93522, -1.186702 52.935194, -1.186696 52.935156, -1.186645 52.935094, -1.186582 52.935037, -1.186943 52.934795, -1.187003 52.934743, -1.187035 52.934669, -1.187284 52.934511, -1.187353 52.934486, -1.187438 52.934468)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-1.189739 52.932893)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "SK547377",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Beeston Sidings",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-03-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.187438 52.934468, -1.187453 52.934418, -1.187605 52.934289, -1.187775 52.934239, -1.189644 52.933383, -1.19056 52.93276, -1.190961 52.93247, -1.192824 52.931505, -1.193297 52.931335, -1.193736 52.931135, -1.193605 52.931042, -1.19421 52.930701, -1.194491 52.930572, -1.195136 52.930245, -1.195437 52.93011, -1.195573 52.930058, -1.195857 52.929969, -1.196096 52.92991, -1.196543 52.929739, -1.196638 52.929694, -1.19662 52.92968, -1.196593 52.929676, -1.196581 52.929663, -1.196608 52.92965, -1.195794 52.929092, -1.192513 52.931094, -1.192746 52.931229, -1.191396 52.932003, -1.191191 52.932105, -1.190876 52.932299, -1.190193 52.932699, -1.190156 52.932728, -1.189931 52.932852, -1.189745 52.932985, -1.189148 52.933268, -1.188455 52.933625, -1.187452 52.934204, -1.186772 52.933786, -1.184734 52.934964, -1.184145 52.935275, -1.184218 52.935371, -1.1848 52.936011, -1.184828 52.936021, -1.184877 52.936016, -1.185005 52.936034, -1.185081 52.93603, -1.185476 52.935832, -1.185514 52.935797, -1.185533 52.935733, -1.18556 52.935708, -1.185665 52.935683, -1.185788 52.935694, -1.185837 52.935693, -1.185865 52.935684, -1.186679 52.93522, -1.186702 52.935194, -1.186696 52.935156, -1.186645 52.935094, -1.186582 52.935037, -1.186943 52.934795, -1.187003 52.934743, -1.187035 52.934669, -1.187284 52.934511, -1.187353 52.934486, -1.187438 52.934468)))",
"point": "POINT (-1.189739 52.932893)",
"entity": 45250088,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.