Local nature reserve

Clifton Grove, Clifton Woods and Holme Pit Pond

Field Value Fact links
Reference SK541348 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Clifton Grove, Clifton Woods and Holme Pit Pond Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.196549 52.908411, -1.196048 52.908435, -1.196032 52.908502, -1.196039 52.908503, -1.196031 52.908543, -1.196006 52.908541, -1.195936 52.908625, -1.195919 52.908627, -1.195857 52.908606, -1.195834 52.908606, -1.195818 52.90862, -1.195803 52.908884, -1.195758 52.908929, -1.19569 52.908947, -1.195674 52.909531, -1.194747 52.910019, -1.193216 52.910758, -1.193142 52.910774, -1.192926 52.910874, -1.191795 52.91145, -1.191794 52.911445, -1.191669 52.911476, -1.19166 52.911494, -1.191633 52.911511, -1.190844 52.911896, -1.190854 52.911903, -1.19078 52.911942, -1.189381 52.91262, -1.188932 52.912847, -1.188699 52.912954, -1.188615 52.913002, -1.187915 52.913347, -1.186506 52.914031, -1.186269 52.914156, -1.186052 52.914255, -1.185306 52.914626, -1.184861 52.914831, -1.184561 52.914986, -1.184518 52.915024, -1.184449 52.915038, -1.183761 52.915351, -1.183671 52.915384, -1.183229 52.915582, -1.183194 52.91556, -1.1811 52.91651, -1.181059 52.916529, -1.181055 52.916539, -1.181046 52.916534, -1.181005 52.916551, -1.180644 52.916711, -1.180093 52.916925, -1.179194 52.917252, -1.179056 52.917322, -1.178665 52.917471, -1.179092 52.917817, -1.179169 52.917817, -1.179326 52.917906, -1.179419 52.917978, -1.179857 52.917781, -1.180127 52.91771, -1.180525 52.917568, -1.180703 52.917525, -1.181037 52.917424, -1.181125 52.91739, -1.181329 52.917329, -1.181409 52.91729, -1.181568 52.917244, -1.181914 52.917119, -1.181989 52.917108, -1.182231 52.917036, -1.182466 52.916952, -1.182547 52.916901, -1.182631 52.916863, -1.182887 52.91677, -1.183303 52.916633, -1.183592 52.916518, -1.183906 52.916358, -1.184168 52.91618, -1.184285 52.916113, -1.184957 52.915771, -1.185008 52.915721, -1.185175 52.915618, -1.185323 52.91554, -1.185336 52.91553, -1.185356 52.915491, -1.185385 52.915473, -1.185473 52.915467, -1.185507 52.915455, -1.185793 52.915302, -1.185996 52.915223, -1.186029 52.915203, -1.186079 52.91515, -1.186128 52.915123, -1.18641 52.915028, -1.186525 52.914972, -1.186906 52.914755, -1.187157 52.914661, -1.18721 52.91463, -1.187559 52.914512, -1.188331 52.914307, -1.188837 52.914159, -1.189121 52.914039, -1.189542 52.913917, -1.190409 52.913588, -1.190497 52.913543, -1.190748 52.913386, -1.190861 52.913276, -1.191227 52.912971, -1.191454 52.912811, -1.191775 52.912601, -1.192031 52.912449, -1.192406 52.91224, -1.192583 52.912156, -1.192874 52.912047, -1.193214 52.911858, -1.193801 52.911672, -1.194065 52.91158, -1.194509 52.911391, -1.194866 52.911212, -1.195903 52.91066, -1.196096 52.910524, -1.196111 52.910474, -1.196135 52.910447, -1.196175 52.910425, -1.196255 52.910402, -1.196323 52.910352, -1.196355 52.9103, -1.196376 52.910288, -1.196428 52.910279, -1.197009 52.909862, -1.197237 52.909733, -1.197385 52.909671, -1.197977 52.909481, -1.198385 52.909329, -1.198413 52.909308, -1.198426 52.909275, -1.198449 52.909246, -1.198487 52.909217, -1.198638 52.909157, -1.19878 52.909129, -1.198926 52.909053, -1.198993 52.909036, -1.19914 52.909024, -1.199268 52.909058, -1.199304 52.909058, -1.199828 52.908899, -1.201398 52.90815, -1.201373 52.907774, -1.201329 52.907751, -1.201857 52.907377, -1.201987 52.907253, -1.202237 52.906983, -1.202774 52.906336, -1.203258 52.906543, -1.203683 52.906741, -1.204504 52.906972, -1.205187 52.906227, -1.205574 52.906551, -1.20639 52.907115, -1.206633 52.906701, -1.206581 52.906355, -1.205579 52.905219, -1.204644 52.904689, -1.20365 52.90463, -1.203869 52.904242, -1.20398 52.904019, -1.204242 52.903624, -1.204481 52.903292, -1.20529 52.901994, -1.205214 52.90195, -1.204959 52.901842, -1.204646 52.901726, -1.204429 52.901679, -1.204223 52.901894, -1.203945 52.902205, -1.203616 52.902681, -1.203285 52.903201, -1.199817 52.902487, -1.199838 52.90246, -1.19988 52.902356, -1.199946 52.902227, -1.200406 52.901535, -1.200604 52.901207, -1.200661 52.901042, -1.200693 52.900886, -1.20069 52.900842, -1.200651 52.900769, -1.200637 52.900705, -1.200186 52.900766, -1.199858 52.900825, -1.199229 52.900956, -1.198476 52.901189, -1.198199 52.901264, -1.197685 52.901445, -1.197644 52.901451, -1.197523 52.901448, -1.197431 52.901429, -1.197358 52.901456, -1.197138 52.901961, -1.197131 52.902022, -1.197931 52.902211, -1.198838 52.902406, -1.199752 52.902577, -1.201242 52.902889, -1.20246 52.903157, -1.202429 52.903216, -1.202241 52.903379, -1.201947 52.90361, -1.201721 52.90386, -1.201661 52.903913, -1.201486 52.904021, -1.201174 52.904283, -1.200891 52.904473, -1.20075 52.904587, -1.200676 52.90461, -1.198472 52.906339, -1.198107 52.906566, -1.198051 52.906592, -1.198078 52.906613, -1.198013 52.906719, -1.197855 52.906884, -1.198156 52.906972, -1.198228 52.90707, -1.198378 52.907247, -1.198044 52.907502, -1.198425 52.907601, -1.198412 52.907625, -1.199014 52.907916, -1.199312 52.908006, -1.199144 52.90809, -1.199244 52.908146, -1.199203 52.908162, -1.199114 52.908226, -1.199072 52.908286, -1.198753 52.908468, -1.1987 52.908483, -1.19833 52.908647, -1.198271 52.908656, -1.198099 52.908664, -1.197984 52.908645, -1.197817 52.908608, -1.197644 52.908559, -1.197649 52.908552, -1.197476 52.908497, -1.197391 52.90851, -1.196833 52.908453, -1.196555 52.908451, -1.196549 52.908411))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.196467 52.908561) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Clifton Grove, Clifton Woods and Holme Pit Pond",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.196549 52.908411, -1.196048 52.908435, -1.196032 52.908502, -1.196039 52.908503, -1.196031 52.908543, -1.196006 52.908541, -1.195936 52.908625, -1.195919 52.908627, -1.195857 52.908606, -1.195834 52.908606, -1.195818 52.90862, -1.195803 52.908884, -1.195758 52.908929, -1.19569 52.908947, -1.195674 52.909531, -1.194747 52.910019, -1.193216 52.910758, -1.193142 52.910774, -1.192926 52.910874, -1.191795 52.91145, -1.191794 52.911445, -1.191669 52.911476, -1.19166 52.911494, -1.191633 52.911511, -1.190844 52.911896, -1.190854 52.911903, -1.19078 52.911942, -1.189381 52.91262, -1.188932 52.912847, -1.188699 52.912954, -1.188615 52.913002, -1.187915 52.913347, -1.186506 52.914031, -1.186269 52.914156, -1.186052 52.914255, -1.185306 52.914626, -1.184861 52.914831, -1.184561 52.914986, -1.184518 52.915024, -1.184449 52.915038, -1.183761 52.915351, -1.183671 52.915384, -1.183229 52.915582, -1.183194 52.91556, -1.1811 52.91651, -1.181059 52.916529, -1.181055 52.916539, -1.181046 52.916534, -1.181005 52.916551, -1.180644 52.916711, -1.180093 52.916925, -1.179194 52.917252, -1.179056 52.917322, -1.178665 52.917471, -1.179092 52.917817, -1.179169 52.917817, -1.179326 52.917906, -1.179419 52.917978, -1.179857 52.917781, -1.180127 52.91771, -1.180525 52.917568, -1.180703 52.917525, -1.181037 52.917424, -1.181125 52.91739, -1.181329 52.917329, -1.181409 52.91729, -1.181568 52.917244, -1.181914 52.917119, -1.181989 52.917108, -1.182231 52.917036, -1.182466 52.916952, -1.182547 52.916901, -1.182631 52.916863, -1.182887 52.91677, -1.183303 52.916633, -1.183592 52.916518, -1.183906 52.916358, -1.184168 52.91618, -1.184285 52.916113, -1.184957 52.915771, -1.185008 52.915721, -1.185175 52.915618, -1.185323 52.91554, -1.185336 52.91553, -1.185356 52.915491, -1.185385 52.915473, -1.185473 52.915467, -1.185507 52.915455, -1.185793 52.915302, -1.185996 52.915223, -1.186029 52.915203, -1.186079 52.91515, -1.186128 52.915123, -1.18641 52.915028, -1.186525 52.914972, -1.186906 52.914755, -1.187157 52.914661, -1.18721 52.91463, -1.187559 52.914512, -1.188331 52.914307, -1.188837 52.914159, -1.189121 52.914039, -1.189542 52.913917, -1.190409 52.913588, -1.190497 52.913543, -1.190748 52.913386, -1.190861 52.913276, -1.191227 52.912971, -1.191454 52.912811, -1.191775 52.912601, -1.192031 52.912449, -1.192406 52.91224, -1.192583 52.912156, -1.192874 52.912047, -1.193214 52.911858, -1.193801 52.911672, -1.194065 52.91158, -1.194509 52.911391, -1.194866 52.911212, -1.195903 52.91066, -1.196096 52.910524, -1.196111 52.910474, -1.196135 52.910447, -1.196175 52.910425, -1.196255 52.910402, -1.196323 52.910352, -1.196355 52.9103, -1.196376 52.910288, -1.196428 52.910279, -1.197009 52.909862, -1.197237 52.909733, -1.197385 52.909671, -1.197977 52.909481, -1.198385 52.909329, -1.198413 52.909308, -1.198426 52.909275, -1.198449 52.909246, -1.198487 52.909217, -1.198638 52.909157, -1.19878 52.909129, -1.198926 52.909053, -1.198993 52.909036, -1.19914 52.909024, -1.199268 52.909058, -1.199304 52.909058, -1.199828 52.908899, -1.201398 52.90815, -1.201373 52.907774, -1.201329 52.907751, -1.201857 52.907377, -1.201987 52.907253, -1.202237 52.906983, -1.202774 52.906336, -1.203258 52.906543, -1.203683 52.906741, -1.204504 52.906972, -1.205187 52.906227, -1.205574 52.906551, -1.20639 52.907115, -1.206633 52.906701, -1.206581 52.906355, -1.205579 52.905219, -1.204644 52.904689, -1.20365 52.90463, -1.203869 52.904242, -1.20398 52.904019, -1.204242 52.903624, -1.204481 52.903292, -1.20529 52.901994, -1.205214 52.90195, -1.204959 52.901842, -1.204646 52.901726, -1.204429 52.901679, -1.204223 52.901894, -1.203945 52.902205, -1.203616 52.902681, -1.203285 52.903201, -1.199817 52.902487, -1.199838 52.90246, -1.19988 52.902356, -1.199946 52.902227, -1.200406 52.901535, -1.200604 52.901207, -1.200661 52.901042, -1.200693 52.900886, -1.20069 52.900842, -1.200651 52.900769, -1.200637 52.900705, -1.200186 52.900766, -1.199858 52.900825, -1.199229 52.900956, -1.198476 52.901189, -1.198199 52.901264, -1.197685 52.901445, -1.197644 52.901451, -1.197523 52.901448, -1.197431 52.901429, -1.197358 52.901456, -1.197138 52.901961, -1.197131 52.902022, -1.197931 52.902211, -1.198838 52.902406, -1.199752 52.902577, -1.201242 52.902889, -1.20246 52.903157, -1.202429 52.903216, -1.202241 52.903379, -1.201947 52.90361, -1.201721 52.90386, -1.201661 52.903913, -1.201486 52.904021, -1.201174 52.904283, -1.200891 52.904473, -1.20075 52.904587, -1.200676 52.90461, -1.198472 52.906339, -1.198107 52.906566, -1.198051 52.906592, -1.198078 52.906613, -1.198013 52.906719, -1.197855 52.906884, -1.198156 52.906972, -1.198228 52.90707, -1.198378 52.907247, -1.198044 52.907502, -1.198425 52.907601, -1.198412 52.907625, -1.199014 52.907916, -1.199312 52.908006, -1.199144 52.90809, -1.199244 52.908146, -1.199203 52.908162, -1.199114 52.908226, -1.199072 52.908286, -1.198753 52.908468, -1.1987 52.908483, -1.19833 52.908647, -1.198271 52.908656, -1.198099 52.908664, -1.197984 52.908645, -1.197817 52.908608, -1.197644 52.908559, -1.197649 52.908552, -1.197476 52.908497, -1.197391 52.90851, -1.196833 52.908453, -1.196555 52.908451, -1.196549 52.908411)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.196467 52.908561)",
    "entity": 45250297,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area