Local nature reserve

Fox Hagg

Field Value Fact links
Reference SK286864 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Fox Hagg Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.569928 53.373425, -1.569927 53.37342, -1.569216 53.373523, -1.569217 53.373528, -1.568971 53.373564, -1.568986 53.373653, -1.568078 53.373664, -1.56771 53.373659, -1.567535 53.373647, -1.56736 53.373668, -1.567182 53.373706, -1.567204 53.373818, -1.567068 53.373914, -1.567016 53.37394, -1.566847 53.373993, -1.566676 53.374023, -1.566345 53.374204, -1.566085 53.374365, -1.565939 53.374446, -1.565851 53.374512, -1.565788 53.374586, -1.565568 53.37463, -1.565459 53.374664, -1.565287 53.374698, -1.565209 53.374708, -1.565146 53.374707, -1.564546 53.375003, -1.564454 53.375119, -1.564479 53.375118, -1.564531 53.375136, -1.564803 53.375167, -1.565019 53.375166, -1.565261 53.375152, -1.56541 53.375133, -1.565404 53.375136, -1.565422 53.375163, -1.565736 53.375137, -1.566519 53.374996, -1.568485 53.374832, -1.569182 53.37476, -1.571374 53.374567, -1.572361 53.37449, -1.573359 53.374481, -1.573538 53.374501, -1.573791 53.374028, -1.574323 53.373997, -1.574261 53.373951, -1.574204 53.373888, -1.573816 53.373338, -1.573794 53.373284, -1.573785 53.373237, -1.573799 53.373135, -1.573867 53.372987, -1.574091 53.372639, -1.574167 53.372538, -1.57331 53.372664, -1.573299 53.372645, -1.573132 53.372716, -1.572377 53.372985, -1.572366 53.372976, -1.571949 53.373097, -1.570691 53.373314, -1.569928 53.373425))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.570102 53.374037) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SK286864",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Fox Hagg",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.569928 53.373425, -1.569927 53.37342, -1.569216 53.373523, -1.569217 53.373528, -1.568971 53.373564, -1.568986 53.373653, -1.568078 53.373664, -1.56771 53.373659, -1.567535 53.373647, -1.56736 53.373668, -1.567182 53.373706, -1.567204 53.373818, -1.567068 53.373914, -1.567016 53.37394, -1.566847 53.373993, -1.566676 53.374023, -1.566345 53.374204, -1.566085 53.374365, -1.565939 53.374446, -1.565851 53.374512, -1.565788 53.374586, -1.565568 53.37463, -1.565459 53.374664, -1.565287 53.374698, -1.565209 53.374708, -1.565146 53.374707, -1.564546 53.375003, -1.564454 53.375119, -1.564479 53.375118, -1.564531 53.375136, -1.564803 53.375167, -1.565019 53.375166, -1.565261 53.375152, -1.56541 53.375133, -1.565404 53.375136, -1.565422 53.375163, -1.565736 53.375137, -1.566519 53.374996, -1.568485 53.374832, -1.569182 53.37476, -1.571374 53.374567, -1.572361 53.37449, -1.573359 53.374481, -1.573538 53.374501, -1.573791 53.374028, -1.574323 53.373997, -1.574261 53.373951, -1.574204 53.373888, -1.573816 53.373338, -1.573794 53.373284, -1.573785 53.373237, -1.573799 53.373135, -1.573867 53.372987, -1.574091 53.372639, -1.574167 53.372538, -1.57331 53.372664, -1.573299 53.372645, -1.573132 53.372716, -1.572377 53.372985, -1.572366 53.372976, -1.571949 53.373097, -1.570691 53.373314, -1.569928 53.373425)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.570102 53.374037)",
    "entity": 45250452,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area