Local nature reserve

Brown Moss

Field Value Fact links
Reference SJ562394 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Brown Moss Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.656588 52.948954, -2.656323 52.948715, -2.656245 52.948662, -2.656142 52.948533, -2.656046 52.948457, -2.655848 52.948256, -2.655754 52.948189, -2.655675 52.94812, -2.655662 52.948092, -2.655668 52.948062, -2.655739 52.947967, -2.655735 52.947948, -2.655692 52.947894, -2.655482 52.947785, -2.655326 52.947677, -2.655049 52.947526, -2.654761 52.947352, -2.654693 52.947285, -2.654623 52.947265, -2.654455 52.947173, -2.654369 52.947101, -2.65371 52.946806, -2.65351 52.946774, -2.65342 52.94681, -2.653379 52.94681, -2.653295 52.946759, -2.653206 52.946749, -2.653167 52.946736, -2.653072 52.946663, -2.653181 52.946602, -2.653064 52.946515, -2.6525 52.946342, -2.652348 52.946269, -2.652275 52.946176, -2.652164 52.94619, -2.652242 52.946315, -2.652252 52.946316, -2.652368 52.946554, -2.652374 52.946606, -2.652413 52.946736, -2.652419 52.94683, -2.652409 52.946941, -2.652387 52.94704, -2.652314 52.94726, -2.652351 52.947282, -2.652367 52.947306, -2.652409 52.947379, -2.652429 52.94744, -2.652432 52.947525, -2.652417 52.94757, -2.652388 52.947607, -2.65234 52.947639, -2.652248 52.947668, -2.652182 52.947672, -2.65213 52.947661, -2.652123 52.94765, -2.651956 52.947772, -2.651652 52.947956, -2.651292 52.948137, -2.651119 52.948208, -2.651098 52.948328, -2.651006 52.948496, -2.650853 52.94872, -2.650724 52.948891, -2.650689 52.948916, -2.650628 52.948938, -2.650539 52.948954, -2.650362 52.948939, -2.649919 52.948858, -2.649856 52.948839, -2.649806 52.948813, -2.64965 52.948704, -2.6494 52.948641, -2.649146 52.948557, -2.648266 52.949392, -2.648142 52.949543, -2.648051 52.949685, -2.647991 52.949813, -2.648031 52.949843, -2.648124 52.949958, -2.64823 52.950182, -2.64825 52.950201, -2.648296 52.950239, -2.648358 52.950271, -2.648588 52.950364, -2.6492 52.950579, -2.649399 52.950639, -2.649589 52.950684, -2.649708 52.950704, -2.649985 52.950695, -2.650066 52.950718, -2.650547 52.950725, -2.650771 52.950988, -2.650913 52.951137, -2.651191 52.951393, -2.651183 52.951434, -2.651207 52.951461, -2.651254 52.951446, -2.651353 52.951551, -2.651418 52.951658, -2.651444 52.951737, -2.651484 52.951976, -2.651173 52.952012, -2.651151 52.952154, -2.65112 52.952184, -2.650356 52.952339, -2.650318 52.952391, -2.650398 52.95247, -2.650544 52.952583, -2.650643 52.952679, -2.650749 52.952766, -2.650867 52.952855, -2.651083 52.953, -2.651825 52.953609, -2.651824 52.953632, -2.651804 52.953664, -2.651838 52.953731, -2.651868 52.953763, -2.652074 52.953898, -2.652226 52.954057, -2.652612 52.954226, -2.653301 52.954575, -2.653461 52.954967, -2.653841 52.955096, -2.654001 52.955154, -2.65401 52.955165, -2.654344 52.955091, -2.654417 52.95514, -2.654785 52.954982, -2.654768 52.954968, -2.654716 52.954991, -2.654638 52.954927, -2.654743 52.954881, -2.654799 52.954926, -2.654958 52.954864, -2.654984 52.954862, -2.655195 52.954745, -2.655198 52.954651, -2.655218 52.954509, -2.655272 52.954254, -2.655374 52.953923, -2.656011 52.953576, -2.65636 52.953308, -2.65659 52.953108, -2.656753 52.952979, -2.656745 52.952979, -2.656834 52.952511, -2.656854 52.95237, -2.6569 52.95219, -2.656923 52.952173, -2.656936 52.952129, -2.656741 52.952132, -2.656727 52.95211, -2.656684 52.951945, -2.656683 52.951917, -2.656693 52.951815, -2.656715 52.951786, -2.656728 52.951777, -2.656746 52.951778, -2.656725 52.951644, -2.656664 52.951436, -2.656666 52.951381, -2.656433 52.95062, -2.656415 52.950533, -2.656432 52.950467, -2.657111 52.94943, -2.656903 52.949208, -2.656588 52.948954))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.653331 52.950716) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SJ562394",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Brown Moss",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.656588 52.948954, -2.656323 52.948715, -2.656245 52.948662, -2.656142 52.948533, -2.656046 52.948457, -2.655848 52.948256, -2.655754 52.948189, -2.655675 52.94812, -2.655662 52.948092, -2.655668 52.948062, -2.655739 52.947967, -2.655735 52.947948, -2.655692 52.947894, -2.655482 52.947785, -2.655326 52.947677, -2.655049 52.947526, -2.654761 52.947352, -2.654693 52.947285, -2.654623 52.947265, -2.654455 52.947173, -2.654369 52.947101, -2.65371 52.946806, -2.65351 52.946774, -2.65342 52.94681, -2.653379 52.94681, -2.653295 52.946759, -2.653206 52.946749, -2.653167 52.946736, -2.653072 52.946663, -2.653181 52.946602, -2.653064 52.946515, -2.6525 52.946342, -2.652348 52.946269, -2.652275 52.946176, -2.652164 52.94619, -2.652242 52.946315, -2.652252 52.946316, -2.652368 52.946554, -2.652374 52.946606, -2.652413 52.946736, -2.652419 52.94683, -2.652409 52.946941, -2.652387 52.94704, -2.652314 52.94726, -2.652351 52.947282, -2.652367 52.947306, -2.652409 52.947379, -2.652429 52.94744, -2.652432 52.947525, -2.652417 52.94757, -2.652388 52.947607, -2.65234 52.947639, -2.652248 52.947668, -2.652182 52.947672, -2.65213 52.947661, -2.652123 52.94765, -2.651956 52.947772, -2.651652 52.947956, -2.651292 52.948137, -2.651119 52.948208, -2.651098 52.948328, -2.651006 52.948496, -2.650853 52.94872, -2.650724 52.948891, -2.650689 52.948916, -2.650628 52.948938, -2.650539 52.948954, -2.650362 52.948939, -2.649919 52.948858, -2.649856 52.948839, -2.649806 52.948813, -2.64965 52.948704, -2.6494 52.948641, -2.649146 52.948557, -2.648266 52.949392, -2.648142 52.949543, -2.648051 52.949685, -2.647991 52.949813, -2.648031 52.949843, -2.648124 52.949958, -2.64823 52.950182, -2.64825 52.950201, -2.648296 52.950239, -2.648358 52.950271, -2.648588 52.950364, -2.6492 52.950579, -2.649399 52.950639, -2.649589 52.950684, -2.649708 52.950704, -2.649985 52.950695, -2.650066 52.950718, -2.650547 52.950725, -2.650771 52.950988, -2.650913 52.951137, -2.651191 52.951393, -2.651183 52.951434, -2.651207 52.951461, -2.651254 52.951446, -2.651353 52.951551, -2.651418 52.951658, -2.651444 52.951737, -2.651484 52.951976, -2.651173 52.952012, -2.651151 52.952154, -2.65112 52.952184, -2.650356 52.952339, -2.650318 52.952391, -2.650398 52.95247, -2.650544 52.952583, -2.650643 52.952679, -2.650749 52.952766, -2.650867 52.952855, -2.651083 52.953, -2.651825 52.953609, -2.651824 52.953632, -2.651804 52.953664, -2.651838 52.953731, -2.651868 52.953763, -2.652074 52.953898, -2.652226 52.954057, -2.652612 52.954226, -2.653301 52.954575, -2.653461 52.954967, -2.653841 52.955096, -2.654001 52.955154, -2.65401 52.955165, -2.654344 52.955091, -2.654417 52.95514, -2.654785 52.954982, -2.654768 52.954968, -2.654716 52.954991, -2.654638 52.954927, -2.654743 52.954881, -2.654799 52.954926, -2.654958 52.954864, -2.654984 52.954862, -2.655195 52.954745, -2.655198 52.954651, -2.655218 52.954509, -2.655272 52.954254, -2.655374 52.953923, -2.656011 52.953576, -2.65636 52.953308, -2.65659 52.953108, -2.656753 52.952979, -2.656745 52.952979, -2.656834 52.952511, -2.656854 52.95237, -2.6569 52.95219, -2.656923 52.952173, -2.656936 52.952129, -2.656741 52.952132, -2.656727 52.95211, -2.656684 52.951945, -2.656683 52.951917, -2.656693 52.951815, -2.656715 52.951786, -2.656728 52.951777, -2.656746 52.951778, -2.656725 52.951644, -2.656664 52.951436, -2.656666 52.951381, -2.656433 52.95062, -2.656415 52.950533, -2.656432 52.950467, -2.657111 52.94943, -2.656903 52.949208, -2.656588 52.948954)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.653331 52.950716)",
    "entity": 45250207,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area