Local nature reserve

Alverthorpe and Wrenthorpe Meadows

Field Value Fact links
Reference SE315218 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Alverthorpe and Wrenthorpe Meadows Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.525307 53.688729, -1.525332 53.688688, -1.525262 53.688721, -1.525001 53.688816, -1.524867 53.688703, -1.524688 53.688761, -1.524679 53.688773, -1.523825 53.689128, -1.523033 53.689522, -1.523059 53.689862, -1.523029 53.689981, -1.52299 53.690015, -1.52277 53.690152, -1.522669 53.690228, -1.522589 53.690311, -1.52252 53.690414, -1.522462 53.690478, -1.522372 53.690554, -1.522322 53.690585, -1.521448 53.69108, -1.521018 53.691283, -1.520976 53.691251, -1.520929 53.691235, -1.520214 53.691078, -1.52007 53.691036, -1.519915 53.690965, -1.519756 53.690864, -1.519619 53.690871, -1.518335 53.691301, -1.51825 53.691322, -1.51684 53.691465, -1.516765 53.691496, -1.516641 53.691585, -1.516586 53.69164, -1.516535 53.691711, -1.516525 53.691743, -1.516543 53.691755, -1.51654 53.691766, -1.51704 53.691942, -1.51714 53.691974, -1.517498 53.692058, -1.517637 53.692163, -1.518002 53.692327, -1.51804 53.69236, -1.518103 53.692397, -1.518341 53.692485, -1.518519 53.692571, -1.518587 53.692589, -1.518685 53.692594, -1.518941 53.692733, -1.519362 53.692284, -1.519377 53.692256, -1.51944 53.692244, -1.519474 53.69225, -1.519505 53.692268, -1.51963 53.692396, -1.519701 53.692439, -1.519846 53.692482, -1.519895 53.692504, -1.519912 53.692524, -1.519905 53.692554, -1.519853 53.692587, -1.519771 53.692603, -1.519759 53.692619, -1.519751 53.692666, -1.519758 53.692692, -1.519885 53.692837, -1.519878 53.692881, -1.519842 53.692902, -1.51976 53.692919, -1.519711 53.692989, -1.519642 53.693063, -1.519629 53.693118, -1.519592 53.693192, -1.519604 53.693261, -1.519517 53.693371, -1.519466 53.693469, -1.519369 53.693599, -1.519306 53.693642, -1.519236 53.693656, -1.519149 53.693658, -1.519097 53.693673, -1.519067 53.693694, -1.519052 53.69372, -1.519058 53.693737, -1.51909 53.693754, -1.519164 53.693783, -1.519176 53.693776, -1.519241 53.693789, -1.519357 53.693773, -1.519447 53.693788, -1.519632 53.693782, -1.519683 53.693796, -1.519874 53.69389, -1.520049 53.693901, -1.52025 53.69396, -1.520429 53.69405, -1.520598 53.69406, -1.520769 53.694084, -1.520965 53.694091, -1.521228 53.694063, -1.521453 53.694058, -1.521817 53.694026, -1.521957 53.694022, -1.522274 53.694042, -1.522435 53.694084, -1.522661 53.694213, -1.522708 53.694231, -1.522887 53.694329, -1.52293 53.69428, -1.522961 53.694166, -1.522918 53.693932, -1.522877 53.693819, -1.522859 53.69373, -1.522701 53.693547, -1.522881 53.693529, -1.523066 53.693525, -1.523569 53.693528, -1.523833 53.693517, -1.524947 53.693505, -1.525507 53.693488, -1.525587 53.693287, -1.525601 53.693233, -1.525616 53.693148, -1.525618 53.693059, -1.525659 53.692854, -1.525659 53.692826, -1.525646 53.692808, -1.525678 53.692808, -1.52566 53.692794, -1.52721 53.692471, -1.528637 53.692561, -1.528903 53.692588, -1.528946 53.692481, -1.52896 53.692468, -1.528959 53.692118, -1.528905 53.691764, -1.528778 53.691389, -1.528976 53.6914, -1.529591 53.691489, -1.529914 53.691545, -1.531098 53.691712, -1.531118 53.691543, -1.528715 53.691209, -1.528666 53.691329, -1.52836 53.691194, -1.52791 53.690977, -1.527266 53.690612, -1.527088 53.690482, -1.526422 53.689962, -1.525873 53.689509, -1.5256 53.689289, -1.525487 53.689211, -1.525267 53.689026, -1.525154 53.688915, -1.525206 53.688852, -1.525182 53.688845, -1.525239 53.688778, -1.525263 53.688783, -1.525307 53.688729))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.523438 53.691748) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SE315218",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Alverthorpe and Wrenthorpe Meadows",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.525307 53.688729, -1.525332 53.688688, -1.525262 53.688721, -1.525001 53.688816, -1.524867 53.688703, -1.524688 53.688761, -1.524679 53.688773, -1.523825 53.689128, -1.523033 53.689522, -1.523059 53.689862, -1.523029 53.689981, -1.52299 53.690015, -1.52277 53.690152, -1.522669 53.690228, -1.522589 53.690311, -1.52252 53.690414, -1.522462 53.690478, -1.522372 53.690554, -1.522322 53.690585, -1.521448 53.69108, -1.521018 53.691283, -1.520976 53.691251, -1.520929 53.691235, -1.520214 53.691078, -1.52007 53.691036, -1.519915 53.690965, -1.519756 53.690864, -1.519619 53.690871, -1.518335 53.691301, -1.51825 53.691322, -1.51684 53.691465, -1.516765 53.691496, -1.516641 53.691585, -1.516586 53.69164, -1.516535 53.691711, -1.516525 53.691743, -1.516543 53.691755, -1.51654 53.691766, -1.51704 53.691942, -1.51714 53.691974, -1.517498 53.692058, -1.517637 53.692163, -1.518002 53.692327, -1.51804 53.69236, -1.518103 53.692397, -1.518341 53.692485, -1.518519 53.692571, -1.518587 53.692589, -1.518685 53.692594, -1.518941 53.692733, -1.519362 53.692284, -1.519377 53.692256, -1.51944 53.692244, -1.519474 53.69225, -1.519505 53.692268, -1.51963 53.692396, -1.519701 53.692439, -1.519846 53.692482, -1.519895 53.692504, -1.519912 53.692524, -1.519905 53.692554, -1.519853 53.692587, -1.519771 53.692603, -1.519759 53.692619, -1.519751 53.692666, -1.519758 53.692692, -1.519885 53.692837, -1.519878 53.692881, -1.519842 53.692902, -1.51976 53.692919, -1.519711 53.692989, -1.519642 53.693063, -1.519629 53.693118, -1.519592 53.693192, -1.519604 53.693261, -1.519517 53.693371, -1.519466 53.693469, -1.519369 53.693599, -1.519306 53.693642, -1.519236 53.693656, -1.519149 53.693658, -1.519097 53.693673, -1.519067 53.693694, -1.519052 53.69372, -1.519058 53.693737, -1.51909 53.693754, -1.519164 53.693783, -1.519176 53.693776, -1.519241 53.693789, -1.519357 53.693773, -1.519447 53.693788, -1.519632 53.693782, -1.519683 53.693796, -1.519874 53.69389, -1.520049 53.693901, -1.52025 53.69396, -1.520429 53.69405, -1.520598 53.69406, -1.520769 53.694084, -1.520965 53.694091, -1.521228 53.694063, -1.521453 53.694058, -1.521817 53.694026, -1.521957 53.694022, -1.522274 53.694042, -1.522435 53.694084, -1.522661 53.694213, -1.522708 53.694231, -1.522887 53.694329, -1.52293 53.69428, -1.522961 53.694166, -1.522918 53.693932, -1.522877 53.693819, -1.522859 53.69373, -1.522701 53.693547, -1.522881 53.693529, -1.523066 53.693525, -1.523569 53.693528, -1.523833 53.693517, -1.524947 53.693505, -1.525507 53.693488, -1.525587 53.693287, -1.525601 53.693233, -1.525616 53.693148, -1.525618 53.693059, -1.525659 53.692854, -1.525659 53.692826, -1.525646 53.692808, -1.525678 53.692808, -1.52566 53.692794, -1.52721 53.692471, -1.528637 53.692561, -1.528903 53.692588, -1.528946 53.692481, -1.52896 53.692468, -1.528959 53.692118, -1.528905 53.691764, -1.528778 53.691389, -1.528976 53.6914, -1.529591 53.691489, -1.529914 53.691545, -1.531098 53.691712, -1.531118 53.691543, -1.528715 53.691209, -1.528666 53.691329, -1.52836 53.691194, -1.52791 53.690977, -1.527266 53.690612, -1.527088 53.690482, -1.526422 53.689962, -1.525873 53.689509, -1.5256 53.689289, -1.525487 53.689211, -1.525267 53.689026, -1.525154 53.688915, -1.525206 53.688852, -1.525182 53.688845, -1.525239 53.688778, -1.525263 53.688783, -1.525307 53.688729)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.523438 53.691748)",
    "entity": 45250034,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area