Local nature reserve

Jerusalem Farm

Field Value Fact links
Reference SE037279 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Jerusalem Farm Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.946487 53.746616, -1.946103 53.746532, -1.945806 53.746445, -1.945437 53.746354, -1.945226 53.74629, -1.945099 53.746234, -1.944672 53.746013, -1.943809 53.7455, -1.943559 53.745364, -1.943102 53.745184, -1.942766 53.74508, -1.942379 53.744979, -1.942899 53.744687, -1.943954 53.745221, -1.944218 53.745363, -1.944915 53.745682, -1.945269 53.745785, -1.946038 53.746072, -1.946693 53.746276, -1.947089 53.746426, -1.94679 53.746679, -1.946562 53.746633, -1.94654 53.746611, -1.946505 53.746595, -1.946487 53.746616)), ((-1.945933 53.749562, -1.945914 53.749633, -1.945703 53.749509, -1.945412 53.749306, -1.945145 53.749155, -1.944977 53.749028, -1.944934 53.748983, -1.944889 53.748959, -1.944692 53.748888, -1.94469 53.748864, -1.94445 53.74879, -1.94429 53.74871, -1.944109 53.748649, -1.944041 53.748656, -1.94392 53.748688, -1.943843 53.748718, -1.943837 53.748748, -1.943329 53.748846, -1.943147 53.748901, -1.942675 53.749009, -1.942218 53.749093, -1.942265 53.749247, -1.941926 53.749321, -1.941765 53.749344, -1.941234 53.749321, -1.940899 53.749332, -1.940659 53.749303, -1.94066 53.749242, -1.940709 53.749073, -1.94074 53.748924, -1.94074 53.748883, -1.940796 53.748822, -1.940967 53.748822, -1.941058 53.748807, -1.941186 53.748771, -1.941274 53.748759, -1.941629 53.748744, -1.941829 53.748745, -1.941908 53.748726, -1.941983 53.748685, -1.942093 53.748582, -1.942213 53.748497, -1.942248 53.748463, -1.94226 53.748373, -1.942254 53.748354, -1.942151 53.748267, -1.942136 53.748251, -1.942124 53.74822, -1.942136 53.748169, -1.942166 53.748131, -1.942219 53.748087, -1.942345 53.748008, -1.942421 53.748031, -1.942506 53.74804, -1.942572 53.748036, -1.942697 53.747995, -1.942788 53.747953, -1.942876 53.747891, -1.942888 53.747823, -1.942873 53.747788, -1.942843 53.747757, -1.942764 53.747714, -1.942603 53.74766, -1.94257 53.747627, -1.942546 53.747584, -1.942157 53.747587, -1.94212 53.747605, -1.942112 53.74762, -1.942109 53.747575, -1.942109 53.747505, -1.942305 53.74733, -1.942434 53.747174, -1.94248 53.747087, -1.94251 53.746976, -1.942506 53.746871, -1.94249 53.746797, -1.942456 53.746751, -1.942277 53.746642, -1.942256 53.746621, -1.942227 53.746569, -1.942229 53.746524, -1.942276 53.746487, -1.942508 53.746403, -1.942579 53.746363, -1.94261 53.746327, -1.942696 53.74618, -1.942753 53.745957, -1.94277 53.745922, -1.942834 53.745858, -1.942965 53.745788, -1.943088 53.745684, -1.942988 53.745616, -1.94274 53.745411, -1.942636 53.745346, -1.94256 53.74531, -1.94277 53.745125, -1.942925 53.745171, -1.943374 53.745341, -1.943612 53.74544, -1.944416 53.74592, -1.944754 53.746108, -1.94499 53.746228, -1.945018 53.746271, -1.945072 53.746274, -1.945115 53.746301, -1.945139 53.746301, -1.945315 53.746372, -1.945578 53.746426, -1.946174 53.746593, -1.946887 53.746748, -1.947574 53.746882, -1.948979 53.747131, -1.949158 53.747169, -1.949943 53.747392, -1.949931 53.747408, -1.949867 53.747433, -1.949765 53.747528, -1.949714 53.747555, -1.94965 53.747609, -1.949623 53.747648, -1.949568 53.747683, -1.949483 53.747776, -1.949449 53.747829, -1.949334 53.747909, -1.949213 53.747933, -1.949175 53.747931, -1.949049 53.747901, -1.948988 53.747856, -1.948869 53.747823, -1.948805 53.747793, -1.948699 53.747793, -1.948562 53.747808, -1.948528 53.747818, -1.9485 53.747841, -1.948371 53.74797, -1.948239 53.748085, -1.948181 53.748117, -1.948122 53.748134, -1.948087 53.748135, -1.948045 53.748125, -1.947977 53.748094, -1.947828 53.748007, -1.947764 53.747956, -1.947673 53.747904, -1.947442 53.747863, -1.947394 53.747862, -1.94732 53.74788, -1.947222 53.747812, -1.947136 53.747767, -1.947112 53.747823, -1.947206 53.747874, -1.947297 53.747937, -1.947606 53.748225, -1.947816 53.748363, -1.947902 53.748383, -1.94784 53.748429, -1.947769 53.748403, -1.947731 53.748431, -1.947547 53.748343, -1.947405 53.74829, -1.947244 53.748251, -1.947 53.748157, -1.946238 53.74901, -1.946974 53.74936, -1.946985 53.749453, -1.947006 53.749503, -1.947025 53.749526, -1.947003 53.749555, -1.948078 53.749993, -1.948241 53.750089, -1.948404 53.750197, -1.948822 53.750404, -1.948934 53.750485, -1.949208 53.750732, -1.949003 53.750745, -1.948556 53.750564, -1.948521 53.750538, -1.948344 53.750447, -1.948013 53.750303, -1.947867 53.750248, -1.947629 53.750176, -1.947279 53.750083, -1.947028 53.750001, -1.946126 53.749656, -1.945946 53.74957, -1.945933 53.749562))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.945052 53.747563) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SE037279",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Jerusalem Farm",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.946487 53.746616, -1.946103 53.746532, -1.945806 53.746445, -1.945437 53.746354, -1.945226 53.74629, -1.945099 53.746234, -1.944672 53.746013, -1.943809 53.7455, -1.943559 53.745364, -1.943102 53.745184, -1.942766 53.74508, -1.942379 53.744979, -1.942899 53.744687, -1.943954 53.745221, -1.944218 53.745363, -1.944915 53.745682, -1.945269 53.745785, -1.946038 53.746072, -1.946693 53.746276, -1.947089 53.746426, -1.94679 53.746679, -1.946562 53.746633, -1.94654 53.746611, -1.946505 53.746595, -1.946487 53.746616)), ((-1.945933 53.749562, -1.945914 53.749633, -1.945703 53.749509, -1.945412 53.749306, -1.945145 53.749155, -1.944977 53.749028, -1.944934 53.748983, -1.944889 53.748959, -1.944692 53.748888, -1.94469 53.748864, -1.94445 53.74879, -1.94429 53.74871, -1.944109 53.748649, -1.944041 53.748656, -1.94392 53.748688, -1.943843 53.748718, -1.943837 53.748748, -1.943329 53.748846, -1.943147 53.748901, -1.942675 53.749009, -1.942218 53.749093, -1.942265 53.749247, -1.941926 53.749321, -1.941765 53.749344, -1.941234 53.749321, -1.940899 53.749332, -1.940659 53.749303, -1.94066 53.749242, -1.940709 53.749073, -1.94074 53.748924, -1.94074 53.748883, -1.940796 53.748822, -1.940967 53.748822, -1.941058 53.748807, -1.941186 53.748771, -1.941274 53.748759, -1.941629 53.748744, -1.941829 53.748745, -1.941908 53.748726, -1.941983 53.748685, -1.942093 53.748582, -1.942213 53.748497, -1.942248 53.748463, -1.94226 53.748373, -1.942254 53.748354, -1.942151 53.748267, -1.942136 53.748251, -1.942124 53.74822, -1.942136 53.748169, -1.942166 53.748131, -1.942219 53.748087, -1.942345 53.748008, -1.942421 53.748031, -1.942506 53.74804, -1.942572 53.748036, -1.942697 53.747995, -1.942788 53.747953, -1.942876 53.747891, -1.942888 53.747823, -1.942873 53.747788, -1.942843 53.747757, -1.942764 53.747714, -1.942603 53.74766, -1.94257 53.747627, -1.942546 53.747584, -1.942157 53.747587, -1.94212 53.747605, -1.942112 53.74762, -1.942109 53.747575, -1.942109 53.747505, -1.942305 53.74733, -1.942434 53.747174, -1.94248 53.747087, -1.94251 53.746976, -1.942506 53.746871, -1.94249 53.746797, -1.942456 53.746751, -1.942277 53.746642, -1.942256 53.746621, -1.942227 53.746569, -1.942229 53.746524, -1.942276 53.746487, -1.942508 53.746403, -1.942579 53.746363, -1.94261 53.746327, -1.942696 53.74618, -1.942753 53.745957, -1.94277 53.745922, -1.942834 53.745858, -1.942965 53.745788, -1.943088 53.745684, -1.942988 53.745616, -1.94274 53.745411, -1.942636 53.745346, -1.94256 53.74531, -1.94277 53.745125, -1.942925 53.745171, -1.943374 53.745341, -1.943612 53.74544, -1.944416 53.74592, -1.944754 53.746108, -1.94499 53.746228, -1.945018 53.746271, -1.945072 53.746274, -1.945115 53.746301, -1.945139 53.746301, -1.945315 53.746372, -1.945578 53.746426, -1.946174 53.746593, -1.946887 53.746748, -1.947574 53.746882, -1.948979 53.747131, -1.949158 53.747169, -1.949943 53.747392, -1.949931 53.747408, -1.949867 53.747433, -1.949765 53.747528, -1.949714 53.747555, -1.94965 53.747609, -1.949623 53.747648, -1.949568 53.747683, -1.949483 53.747776, -1.949449 53.747829, -1.949334 53.747909, -1.949213 53.747933, -1.949175 53.747931, -1.949049 53.747901, -1.948988 53.747856, -1.948869 53.747823, -1.948805 53.747793, -1.948699 53.747793, -1.948562 53.747808, -1.948528 53.747818, -1.9485 53.747841, -1.948371 53.74797, -1.948239 53.748085, -1.948181 53.748117, -1.948122 53.748134, -1.948087 53.748135, -1.948045 53.748125, -1.947977 53.748094, -1.947828 53.748007, -1.947764 53.747956, -1.947673 53.747904, -1.947442 53.747863, -1.947394 53.747862, -1.94732 53.74788, -1.947222 53.747812, -1.947136 53.747767, -1.947112 53.747823, -1.947206 53.747874, -1.947297 53.747937, -1.947606 53.748225, -1.947816 53.748363, -1.947902 53.748383, -1.94784 53.748429, -1.947769 53.748403, -1.947731 53.748431, -1.947547 53.748343, -1.947405 53.74829, -1.947244 53.748251, -1.947 53.748157, -1.946238 53.74901, -1.946974 53.74936, -1.946985 53.749453, -1.947006 53.749503, -1.947025 53.749526, -1.947003 53.749555, -1.948078 53.749993, -1.948241 53.750089, -1.948404 53.750197, -1.948822 53.750404, -1.948934 53.750485, -1.949208 53.750732, -1.949003 53.750745, -1.948556 53.750564, -1.948521 53.750538, -1.948344 53.750447, -1.948013 53.750303, -1.947867 53.750248, -1.947629 53.750176, -1.947279 53.750083, -1.947028 53.750001, -1.946126 53.749656, -1.945946 53.74957, -1.945933 53.749562)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.945052 53.747563)",
    "entity": 45250576,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area