Local nature reserve

Alkincoats Woodland

Field Value Fact links
Reference SD881411 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Alkincoats Woodland Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.180326 53.864967, -2.180245 53.864975, -2.180349 53.865583, -2.18034 53.865606, -2.180312 53.86563, -2.180275 53.86564, -2.179903 53.865649, -2.179666 53.865678, -2.179503 53.865718, -2.179419 53.865764, -2.179338 53.865835, -2.179284 53.865896, -2.179246 53.865956, -2.179192 53.866074, -2.179119 53.866285, -2.179005 53.866716, -2.17992 53.866789, -2.179742 53.867454, -2.179895 53.867474, -2.180229 53.867449, -2.180874 53.867422, -2.181941 53.867403, -2.182059 53.867393, -2.182101 53.867382, -2.183083 53.867367, -2.183728 53.867378, -2.183989 53.867363, -2.184114 53.867341, -2.18451 53.867191, -2.184663 53.867108, -2.184893 53.866958, -2.184963 53.866902, -2.184972 53.86687, -2.184969 53.866832, -2.184946 53.866737, -2.184767 53.866201, -2.1847 53.865937, -2.184663 53.865681, -2.184651 53.865492, -2.184648 53.86539, -2.184671 53.865091, -2.18454 53.865096, -2.183156 53.865281, -2.182911 53.86533, -2.182882 53.865339, -2.182882 53.865349, -2.182479 53.865402, -2.182368 53.86541, -2.182098 53.865412, -2.181784 53.865379, -2.181789 53.865349, -2.18048 53.865003, -2.180444 53.865017, -2.180326 53.864967))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.182119 53.866325) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SD881411",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Alkincoats Woodland",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.180326 53.864967, -2.180245 53.864975, -2.180349 53.865583, -2.18034 53.865606, -2.180312 53.86563, -2.180275 53.86564, -2.179903 53.865649, -2.179666 53.865678, -2.179503 53.865718, -2.179419 53.865764, -2.179338 53.865835, -2.179284 53.865896, -2.179246 53.865956, -2.179192 53.866074, -2.179119 53.866285, -2.179005 53.866716, -2.17992 53.866789, -2.179742 53.867454, -2.179895 53.867474, -2.180229 53.867449, -2.180874 53.867422, -2.181941 53.867403, -2.182059 53.867393, -2.182101 53.867382, -2.183083 53.867367, -2.183728 53.867378, -2.183989 53.867363, -2.184114 53.867341, -2.18451 53.867191, -2.184663 53.867108, -2.184893 53.866958, -2.184963 53.866902, -2.184972 53.86687, -2.184969 53.866832, -2.184946 53.866737, -2.184767 53.866201, -2.1847 53.865937, -2.184663 53.865681, -2.184651 53.865492, -2.184648 53.86539, -2.184671 53.865091, -2.18454 53.865096, -2.183156 53.865281, -2.182911 53.86533, -2.182882 53.865339, -2.182882 53.865349, -2.182479 53.865402, -2.182368 53.86541, -2.182098 53.865412, -2.181784 53.865379, -2.181789 53.865349, -2.18048 53.865003, -2.180444 53.865017, -2.180326 53.864967)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.182119 53.866325)",
    "entity": 45250000,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area