Local nature reserve
Alkincoats Woodland
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | SD881411 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Alkincoats Woodland | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-03-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.180326 53.864967, -2.180245 53.864975, -2.180349 53.865583, -2.18034 53.865606, -2.180312 53.86563, -2.180275 53.86564, -2.179903 53.865649, -2.179666 53.865678, -2.179503 53.865718, -2.179419 53.865764, -2.179338 53.865835, -2.179284 53.865896, -2.179246 53.865956, -2.179192 53.866074, -2.179119 53.866285, -2.179005 53.866716, -2.17992 53.866789, -2.179742 53.867454, -2.179895 53.867474, -2.180229 53.867449, -2.180874 53.867422, -2.181941 53.867403, -2.182059 53.867393, -2.182101 53.867382, -2.183083 53.867367, -2.183728 53.867378, -2.183989 53.867363, -2.184114 53.867341, -2.18451 53.867191, -2.184663 53.867108, -2.184893 53.866958, -2.184963 53.866902, -2.184972 53.86687, -2.184969 53.866832, -2.184946 53.866737, -2.184767 53.866201, -2.1847 53.865937, -2.184663 53.865681, -2.184651 53.865492, -2.184648 53.86539, -2.184671 53.865091, -2.18454 53.865096, -2.183156 53.865281, -2.182911 53.86533, -2.182882 53.865339, -2.182882 53.865349, -2.182479 53.865402, -2.182368 53.86541, -2.182098 53.865412, -2.181784 53.865379, -2.181789 53.865349, -2.18048 53.865003, -2.180444 53.865017, -2.180326 53.864967)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-2.182119 53.866325)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "SD881411",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Alkincoats Woodland",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-03-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.180326 53.864967, -2.180245 53.864975, -2.180349 53.865583, -2.18034 53.865606, -2.180312 53.86563, -2.180275 53.86564, -2.179903 53.865649, -2.179666 53.865678, -2.179503 53.865718, -2.179419 53.865764, -2.179338 53.865835, -2.179284 53.865896, -2.179246 53.865956, -2.179192 53.866074, -2.179119 53.866285, -2.179005 53.866716, -2.17992 53.866789, -2.179742 53.867454, -2.179895 53.867474, -2.180229 53.867449, -2.180874 53.867422, -2.181941 53.867403, -2.182059 53.867393, -2.182101 53.867382, -2.183083 53.867367, -2.183728 53.867378, -2.183989 53.867363, -2.184114 53.867341, -2.18451 53.867191, -2.184663 53.867108, -2.184893 53.866958, -2.184963 53.866902, -2.184972 53.86687, -2.184969 53.866832, -2.184946 53.866737, -2.184767 53.866201, -2.1847 53.865937, -2.184663 53.865681, -2.184651 53.865492, -2.184648 53.86539, -2.184671 53.865091, -2.18454 53.865096, -2.183156 53.865281, -2.182911 53.86533, -2.182882 53.865339, -2.182882 53.865349, -2.182479 53.865402, -2.182368 53.86541, -2.182098 53.865412, -2.181784 53.865379, -2.181789 53.865349, -2.18048 53.865003, -2.180444 53.865017, -2.180326 53.864967)))",
"point": "POINT (-2.182119 53.866325)",
"entity": 45250000,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.