Central activities zone


Field Value Fact links
Reference CAZ00000006 Facts
Prefix central-activities-zone Facts
Name Facts
Dataset Central activities zone no fact link
Start date 2018-06-04 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2018-06-04 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.109134 51.509873, -0.109184 51.509873, -0.109183 51.509871, -0.109134 51.509873)), ((-0.09927 51.509672, -0.099375 51.50969, -0.099676 51.509697, -0.099291 51.509674, -0.09927 51.509672)), ((-0.091455 51.508306, -0.092622 51.508511, -0.091903 51.508359, -0.091455 51.508306)), ((-0.085192 51.520335, -0.085351 51.520129, -0.085788 51.519428, -0.086202 51.51881, -0.087517 51.519201, -0.088104 51.519412, -0.089278 51.519782, -0.089979 51.519971, -0.089668 51.520716, -0.090238 51.520801, -0.091347 51.52094, -0.092349 51.521029, -0.092491 51.521487, -0.093276 51.521334, -0.093389 51.521526, -0.093568 51.521496, -0.09359 51.521587, -0.09385 51.52154, -0.094319 51.521484, -0.094385 51.521746, -0.094597 51.522314, -0.095063 51.523138, -0.095962 51.52291, -0.095992 51.522956, -0.096444 51.522823, -0.096598 51.523178, -0.096672 51.523164, -0.096761 51.523322, -0.097947 51.522879, -0.097762 51.522688, -0.097615 51.522483, -0.097487 51.522233, -0.097358 51.521855, -0.097349 51.521729, -0.097378 51.521594, -0.097491 51.521604, -0.097599 51.521033, -0.097645 51.520723, -0.098426 51.520588, -0.098877 51.520498, -0.099629 51.520284, -0.100085 51.520143, -0.100232 51.520136, -0.100405 51.52011, -0.100777 51.519988, -0.10155 51.519751, -0.102059 51.519576, -0.104731 51.518749, -0.105325 51.518542, -0.105812 51.518397, -0.106175 51.518275, -0.107024 51.518021, -0.107381 51.517895, -0.107566 51.517844, -0.107802 51.517766, -0.108167 51.517792, -0.109009 51.517887, -0.109507 51.517928, -0.110451 51.518076, -0.111601 51.518209, -0.112314 51.518264, -0.113005 51.518293, -0.113796 51.518259, -0.113762 51.518107, -0.113717 51.517964, -0.113694 51.517935, -0.113424 51.517645, -0.112836 51.517044, -0.112108 51.5162, -0.111844 51.515801, -0.111551 51.515285, -0.111113 51.513961, -0.111077 51.513826, -0.111956 51.513686, -0.111833 51.513474, -0.111714 51.513196, -0.112313 51.513037, -0.112189 51.512889, -0.11235 51.512831, -0.112322 51.512798, -0.11239 51.51277, -0.112176 51.512516, -0.112033 51.512331, -0.112164 51.512308, -0.112133 51.512266, -0.111863 51.511968, -0.111746 51.512003, -0.111686 51.511954, -0.111542 51.511731, -0.111506 51.511644, -0.111549 51.511318, -0.111562 51.510911, -0.111549 51.510756, -0.110556 51.510827, -0.109518 51.510767, -0.108471 51.510923, -0.107224 51.51086, -0.104659 51.510818, -0.104648 51.509875, -0.104615 51.509875, -0.104632 51.509672, -0.104747 51.509644, -0.104718 51.509611, -0.104635 51.509606, -0.104632 51.509464, -0.104664 51.509118, -0.104739 51.509107, -0.104658 51.509062, -0.104677 51.508624, -0.104717 51.50857, -0.104709 51.508475, -0.104663 51.50841, -0.10418 51.508425, -0.104181 51.508498, -0.10421 51.508622, -0.104188 51.509046, -0.104064 51.509088, -0.104172 51.509139, -0.104179 51.50958, -0.104012 51.509642, -0.104158 51.509671, -0.104155 51.509854, -0.104095 51.509854, -0.103825 51.510848, -0.102583 51.510698, -0.101539 51.510768, -0.099468 51.510518, -0.098015 51.510408, -0.096913 51.510216, -0.095882 51.509983, -0.094711 51.509791, -0.093472 51.509554, -0.092443 51.509278, -0.090996 51.509038, -0.089755 51.508845, -0.088784 51.508829, -0.087812 51.508856, -0.086982 51.508799, -0.085808 51.50865, -0.084568 51.508457, -0.083392 51.508351, -0.081667 51.50815, -0.080703 51.507961, -0.080293 51.507824, -0.079646 51.507747, -0.07954 51.507717, -0.079379 51.507794, -0.07932 51.507908, -0.079218 51.507894, -0.079029 51.508333, -0.079022 51.508414, -0.078846 51.508653, -0.078696 51.508828, -0.078766 51.508851, -0.078723 51.508939, -0.079074 51.509058, -0.079024 51.509117, -0.078937 51.509123, -0.078857 51.509413, -0.07849 51.509444, -0.078477 51.509513, -0.078373 51.509657, -0.078141 51.509882, -0.077938 51.510026, -0.077764 51.510115, -0.077553 51.510173, -0.076894 51.510214, -0.076857 51.51026, -0.07687 51.510505, -0.07626 51.510545, -0.076251 51.510454, -0.076125 51.510458, -0.076057 51.510107, -0.075756 51.510129, -0.075733 51.509887, -0.075668 51.509854, -0.075559 51.509751, -0.075386 51.509802, -0.074809 51.509995, -0.074396 51.509946, -0.074024 51.510051, -0.073808 51.510094, -0.073496 51.510109, -0.072965 51.510105, -0.072889 51.510148, -0.072755 51.510299, -0.072734 51.510361, -0.072724 51.510641, -0.072746 51.510873, -0.072802 51.511085, -0.072891 51.511254, -0.072958 51.511443, -0.073018 51.511683, -0.073117 51.512341, -0.073242 51.512945, -0.073364 51.513372, -0.073462 51.513677, -0.073639 51.514132, -0.073943 51.514454, -0.074281 51.514688, -0.074416 51.514791, -0.074788 51.5151, -0.07512 51.515355, -0.076408 51.516258, -0.076794 51.516593, -0.076893 51.516708, -0.077377 51.517447, -0.077618 51.517866, -0.077661 51.517975, -0.077708 51.518038, -0.077778 51.518109, -0.07794 51.518251, -0.078121 51.51847, -0.078023 51.518486, -0.078057 51.518969, -0.079404 51.518846, -0.079148 51.519452, -0.078818 51.520657, -0.078785 51.52074, -0.078705 51.52104, -0.078446 51.521511, -0.079744 51.521672, -0.081025 51.521954, -0.081259 51.521433, -0.081524 51.521023, -0.081737 51.520758, -0.0823 51.520315, -0.082708 51.520069, -0.0833 51.519815, -0.085192 51.520335))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.092178 51.514783) Facts
Notes Central London Area - part of the Borough that lies within the historic central core of London and is dominated by activities of London-wide, national and international significance. UDP policies aim Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "CAZ00000006",
    "prefix": "central-activities-zone",
    "name": "",
    "dataset": "central-activities-zone",
    "organisation-entity": "",
    "start-date": "2018-06-04",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2018-06-04",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.109134 51.509873, -0.109184 51.509873, -0.109183 51.509871, -0.109134 51.509873)), ((-0.09927 51.509672, -0.099375 51.50969, -0.099676 51.509697, -0.099291 51.509674, -0.09927 51.509672)), ((-0.091455 51.508306, -0.092622 51.508511, -0.091903 51.508359, -0.091455 51.508306)), ((-0.085192 51.520335, -0.085351 51.520129, -0.085788 51.519428, -0.086202 51.51881, -0.087517 51.519201, -0.088104 51.519412, -0.089278 51.519782, -0.089979 51.519971, -0.089668 51.520716, -0.090238 51.520801, -0.091347 51.52094, -0.092349 51.521029, -0.092491 51.521487, -0.093276 51.521334, -0.093389 51.521526, -0.093568 51.521496, -0.09359 51.521587, -0.09385 51.52154, -0.094319 51.521484, -0.094385 51.521746, -0.094597 51.522314, -0.095063 51.523138, -0.095962 51.52291, -0.095992 51.522956, -0.096444 51.522823, -0.096598 51.523178, -0.096672 51.523164, -0.096761 51.523322, -0.097947 51.522879, -0.097762 51.522688, -0.097615 51.522483, -0.097487 51.522233, -0.097358 51.521855, -0.097349 51.521729, -0.097378 51.521594, -0.097491 51.521604, -0.097599 51.521033, -0.097645 51.520723, -0.098426 51.520588, -0.098877 51.520498, -0.099629 51.520284, -0.100085 51.520143, -0.100232 51.520136, -0.100405 51.52011, -0.100777 51.519988, -0.10155 51.519751, -0.102059 51.519576, -0.104731 51.518749, -0.105325 51.518542, -0.105812 51.518397, -0.106175 51.518275, -0.107024 51.518021, -0.107381 51.517895, -0.107566 51.517844, -0.107802 51.517766, -0.108167 51.517792, -0.109009 51.517887, -0.109507 51.517928, -0.110451 51.518076, -0.111601 51.518209, -0.112314 51.518264, -0.113005 51.518293, -0.113796 51.518259, -0.113762 51.518107, -0.113717 51.517964, -0.113694 51.517935, -0.113424 51.517645, -0.112836 51.517044, -0.112108 51.5162, -0.111844 51.515801, -0.111551 51.515285, -0.111113 51.513961, -0.111077 51.513826, -0.111956 51.513686, -0.111833 51.513474, -0.111714 51.513196, -0.112313 51.513037, -0.112189 51.512889, -0.11235 51.512831, -0.112322 51.512798, -0.11239 51.51277, -0.112176 51.512516, -0.112033 51.512331, -0.112164 51.512308, -0.112133 51.512266, -0.111863 51.511968, -0.111746 51.512003, -0.111686 51.511954, -0.111542 51.511731, -0.111506 51.511644, -0.111549 51.511318, -0.111562 51.510911, -0.111549 51.510756, -0.110556 51.510827, -0.109518 51.510767, -0.108471 51.510923, -0.107224 51.51086, -0.104659 51.510818, -0.104648 51.509875, -0.104615 51.509875, -0.104632 51.509672, -0.104747 51.509644, -0.104718 51.509611, -0.104635 51.509606, -0.104632 51.509464, -0.104664 51.509118, -0.104739 51.509107, -0.104658 51.509062, -0.104677 51.508624, -0.104717 51.50857, -0.104709 51.508475, -0.104663 51.50841, -0.10418 51.508425, -0.104181 51.508498, -0.10421 51.508622, -0.104188 51.509046, -0.104064 51.509088, -0.104172 51.509139, -0.104179 51.50958, -0.104012 51.509642, -0.104158 51.509671, -0.104155 51.509854, -0.104095 51.509854, -0.103825 51.510848, -0.102583 51.510698, -0.101539 51.510768, -0.099468 51.510518, -0.098015 51.510408, -0.096913 51.510216, -0.095882 51.509983, -0.094711 51.509791, -0.093472 51.509554, -0.092443 51.509278, -0.090996 51.509038, -0.089755 51.508845, -0.088784 51.508829, -0.087812 51.508856, -0.086982 51.508799, -0.085808 51.50865, -0.084568 51.508457, -0.083392 51.508351, -0.081667 51.50815, -0.080703 51.507961, -0.080293 51.507824, -0.079646 51.507747, -0.07954 51.507717, -0.079379 51.507794, -0.07932 51.507908, -0.079218 51.507894, -0.079029 51.508333, -0.079022 51.508414, -0.078846 51.508653, -0.078696 51.508828, -0.078766 51.508851, -0.078723 51.508939, -0.079074 51.509058, -0.079024 51.509117, -0.078937 51.509123, -0.078857 51.509413, -0.07849 51.509444, -0.078477 51.509513, -0.078373 51.509657, -0.078141 51.509882, -0.077938 51.510026, -0.077764 51.510115, -0.077553 51.510173, -0.076894 51.510214, -0.076857 51.51026, -0.07687 51.510505, -0.07626 51.510545, -0.076251 51.510454, -0.076125 51.510458, -0.076057 51.510107, -0.075756 51.510129, -0.075733 51.509887, -0.075668 51.509854, -0.075559 51.509751, -0.075386 51.509802, -0.074809 51.509995, -0.074396 51.509946, -0.074024 51.510051, -0.073808 51.510094, -0.073496 51.510109, -0.072965 51.510105, -0.072889 51.510148, -0.072755 51.510299, -0.072734 51.510361, -0.072724 51.510641, -0.072746 51.510873, -0.072802 51.511085, -0.072891 51.511254, -0.072958 51.511443, -0.073018 51.511683, -0.073117 51.512341, -0.073242 51.512945, -0.073364 51.513372, -0.073462 51.513677, -0.073639 51.514132, -0.073943 51.514454, -0.074281 51.514688, -0.074416 51.514791, -0.074788 51.5151, -0.07512 51.515355, -0.076408 51.516258, -0.076794 51.516593, -0.076893 51.516708, -0.077377 51.517447, -0.077618 51.517866, -0.077661 51.517975, -0.077708 51.518038, -0.077778 51.518109, -0.07794 51.518251, -0.078121 51.51847, -0.078023 51.518486, -0.078057 51.518969, -0.079404 51.518846, -0.079148 51.519452, -0.078818 51.520657, -0.078785 51.52074, -0.078705 51.52104, -0.078446 51.521511, -0.079744 51.521672, -0.081025 51.521954, -0.081259 51.521433, -0.081524 51.521023, -0.081737 51.520758, -0.0823 51.520315, -0.082708 51.520069, -0.0833 51.519815, -0.085192 51.520335)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.092178 51.514783)",
    "entity": 2200006,
    "notes": "Central London Area - part of the Borough that lies within the historic central core of London and is dominated by activities of London-wide, national and international significance. UDP policies aim"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area