
Battle of Maldon 991

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000019 Facts
Prefix battlefield Facts
Name Battle of Maldon 991 Facts
Dataset Battlefield no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1995-06-06 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-12 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.701762 51.721211, 0.701672 51.72117, 0.701633 51.721128, 0.701547 51.721076, 0.701514 51.720982, 0.701407 51.720882, 0.701374 51.720797, 0.701291 51.720708, 0.701187 51.720664, 0.70117 51.720613, 0.701264 51.720417, 0.70111 51.720603, 0.701133 51.720689, 0.701286 51.720776, 0.70133 51.720912, 0.701297 51.720926, 0.701187 51.720894, 0.701099 51.720801, 0.701015 51.720747, 0.70096 51.72079, 0.700502 51.720625, 0.700471 51.720576, 0.700378 51.720512, 0.699786 51.720228, 0.69923 51.719923, 0.699209 51.719895, 0.699106 51.719843, 0.698936 51.719774, 0.698851 51.719724, 0.698758 51.719632, 0.69861 51.719547, 0.698579 51.71952, 0.698599 51.719395, 0.698596 51.719345, 0.698342 51.719412, 0.6983 51.719433, 0.69834 51.719544, 0.69807 51.719731, 0.697942 51.719806, 0.697871 51.71983, 0.697819 51.719873, 0.697775 51.719931, 0.697752 51.719986, 0.697749 51.720028, 0.697599 51.720126, 0.697501 51.720212, 0.697071 51.720411, 0.696703 51.720544, 0.695497 51.72001, 0.695041 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0.709219 51.716876, 0.709458 51.716994, 0.70944 51.71707, 0.709361 51.717151, 0.709272 51.717182, 0.70926 51.717224, 0.709081 51.717403, 0.709021 51.717414, 0.708995 51.717367, 0.708954 51.717379, 0.708797 51.717485, 0.708677 51.717502, 0.708492 51.717449, 0.708433 51.717474, 0.708405 51.717517, 0.708408 51.717574, 0.708397 51.717635, 0.708264 51.7177, 0.708221 51.717738, 0.708241 51.717813, 0.708189 51.717838, 0.708071 51.717892, 0.708011 51.717908, 0.707829 51.717903, 0.707733 51.717947, 0.707694 51.717929, 0.707684 51.717897, 0.707645 51.717869, 0.707591 51.717852, 0.70743 51.717822, 0.707398 51.717804, 0.707381 51.717762, 0.707348 51.717721, 0.707368 51.717673, 0.707404 51.717644, 0.707417 51.717615, 0.707378 51.717593, 0.707317 51.71759, 0.707198 51.717625, 0.70706 51.717595, 0.706969 51.717593, 0.706909 51.717604, 0.706887 51.717628, 0.706934 51.717655, 0.70698 51.717663, 0.707124 51.71766, 0.707186 51.717682, 0.707159 51.71773, 0.706969 51.717861, 0.706996 51.717913, 0.707067 51.717973, 0.707151 51.717984, 0.707302 51.717916, 0.707369 51.717926, 0.707448 51.717993, 0.707442 51.718029, 0.707329 51.718041, 0.707026 51.718171, 0.706983 51.718219, 0.706949 51.71823, 0.706855 51.718214, 0.706739 51.718179, 0.706706 51.71815, 0.706463 51.718142, 0.70646 51.718194, 0.706484 51.718224, 0.706554 51.718271, 0.70676 51.718373, 0.706774 51.718403, 0.706736 51.718428, 0.706436 51.718538, 0.706317 51.718531, 0.706247 51.718545, 0.706179 51.718582, 0.706135 51.718625, 0.706072 51.718735, 0.705907 51.718856, 0.705751 51.718873, 0.705816 51.718995, 0.705863 51.719022, 0.70579 51.719057, 0.705782 51.719125, 0.705627 51.719136, 0.70563 51.719279, 0.705577 51.719312, 0.705516 51.719319, 0.705439 51.719314, 0.705392 51.719345, 0.705384 51.719382, 0.705449 51.719456, 0.705396 51.71951, 0.705333 51.719534, 0.705215 51.719518, 0.704968 51.719422, 0.704884 51.719413, 0.704839 51.719394, 0.704931 51.719263, 0.704926 51.719227, 0.704888 51.719205, 0.70481 51.719203, 0.704874 51.719161, 0.704856 51.719113, 0.704775 51.71906, 0.704744 51.719008, 0.704649 51.719003, 0.704569 51.718935, 0.7045 51.718938, 0.70451 51.718968, 0.704574 51.719014, 0.704581 51.719039, 0.704636 51.719041, 0.704723 51.719147, 0.704674 51.719172, 0.704703 51.719242, 0.704799 51.719271, 0.704746 51.719304, 0.704737 51.719353, 0.70471 51.719426, 0.704743 51.719476, 0.704691 51.719533, 0.704874 51.719634, 0.704968 51.719621, 0.705006 51.719671, 0.704981 51.71974, 0.704906 51.71976, 0.704845 51.719721, 0.70475 51.719737, 0.704764 51.719803, 0.704638 51.719828, 0.704637 51.719888, 0.704599 51.719974, 0.70459 51.72005, 0.70454 51.720065, 0.704447 51.720056, 0.704368 51.720096, 0.704306 51.720144, 0.704233 51.720162, 0.704118 51.720152, 0.704032 51.720159, 0.703899 51.720135, 0.703847 51.720048, 0.703812 51.719922, 0.703773 51.719873, 0.703719 51.719839, 0.703606 51.719816, 0.703311 51.719789, 0.703166 51.719734, 0.703015 51.719841, 0.703123 51.719877, 0.703506 51.719963, 0.703556 51.720008, 0.703527 51.720076, 0.703518 51.720131, 0.703556 51.72023, 0.703604 51.720295, 0.703733 51.720336, 0.703837 51.720397, 0.703861 51.720553, 0.703833 51.720614, 0.703764 51.720683, 0.703732 51.720743, 0.703485 51.720722, 0.703494 51.720748, 0.703618 51.720794, 0.703625 51.720823, 0.703602 51.720857, 0.703379 51.720903, 0.703286 51.72085, 0.703244 51.720969, 0.703132 51.721011, 0.703023 51.72103, 0.702889 51.720999, 0.702786 51.721041, 0.702774 51.721104, 0.702665 51.72109, 0.702579 51.721094, 0.702456 51.721133, 0.702315 51.721124, 0.702243 51.721164, 0.702177 51.721093, 0.702136 51.721103, 0.702117 51.721139, 0.702041 51.721172, 0.701969 51.721144, 0.701886 51.721182, 0.701759 51.72116, 0.701762 51.721211))) Facts
Point POINT (0.702156 51.717713) Facts
Wikidata Q1442050 Facts
Wikipedia Battle_of_Maldon Facts
Document url Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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    "start-date": "1995-06-06",
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    "entry-date": "2025-02-12",
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© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area