
Battle of Evesham 1265

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000010 Facts
Prefix battlefield Facts
Name Battle of Evesham 1265 Facts
Dataset Battlefield no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1995-06-06 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-12 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.940831 52.11078, -1.943184 52.110899, -1.946691 52.110982, -1.949641 52.112329, -1.952898 52.110044, -1.953461 52.110193, -1.953539 52.110144, -1.953677 52.110092, -1.95388 52.109974, -1.954264 52.109642, -1.954702 52.109307, -1.954967 52.109184, -1.955954 52.10878, -1.956173 52.108741, -1.95641 52.108681, -1.95666 52.108603, -1.956164 52.108171, -1.955877 52.107898, -1.95568 52.10768, -1.955268 52.107167, -1.953585 52.105702, -1.953334 52.105449, -1.952863 52.104958, -1.952457 52.104465, -1.952044 52.103803, -1.951792 52.103855, -1.950355 52.104063, -1.949669 52.104154, -1.949356 52.103176, -1.948808 52.101374, -1.948624 52.100798, -1.948574 52.100664, -1.949531 52.100422, -1.94926 52.100158, -1.948381 52.09952, -1.948238 52.099426, -1.948137 52.099483, -1.94791 52.099584, -1.947726 52.099682, -1.947662 52.09965, -1.947375 52.099448, -1.947189 52.09934, -1.94712 52.099313, -1.946694 52.099313, -1.946542 52.099422, -1.946456 52.099501, -1.946191 52.100092, -1.94604 52.100391, -1.945887 52.100767, -1.945701 52.101162, -1.945305 52.102058, -1.945287 52.102102, -1.945156 52.102868, -1.944796 52.102929, -1.945144 52.103843, -1.945059 52.104049, -1.945016 52.104572, -1.944693 52.104559, -1.944622 52.104547, -1.94459 52.104997, -1.944864 52.104979, -1.944916 52.105208, -1.944935 52.10537, -1.944878 52.105391, -1.94493 52.105918, -1.945149 52.107447, -1.944453 52.10765, -1.944331 52.107655, -1.944053 52.10774, -1.944091 52.108033, -1.944186 52.108434, -1.944203 52.10866, -1.94296 52.108704, -1.94278 52.108748, -1.942355 52.108752, -1.941509 52.108735, -1.940381 52.108747, -1.940116 52.108738, -1.940125 52.108468, -1.940136 52.108381, -1.940161 52.108351, -1.9402 52.107923, -1.940182 52.107835, -1.940184 52.107757, -1.940207 52.107663, -1.940275 52.107261, -1.940421 52.106561, -1.940815 52.106515, -1.940626 52.106041, -1.940546 52.105729, -1.940495 52.105481, -1.94051 52.105436, -1.940487 52.10539, -1.940475 52.105153, -1.940493 52.105088, -1.940483 52.104728, -1.940421 52.104184, -1.940421 52.104135, -1.940448 52.104026, -1.940488 52.103995, -1.94108 52.1039, -1.94107 52.103851, -1.941069 52.10369, -1.941079 52.103668, -1.941079 52.103433, -1.941119 52.103124, -1.941181 52.102484, -1.940908 52.102479, -1.940957 52.102057, -1.940975 52.10175, -1.941178 52.101743, -1.941742 52.101695, -1.941691 52.101374, -1.941228 52.101406, -1.941198 52.101372, -1.94118 52.100934, -1.941068 52.100932, -1.941071 52.1009, -1.940941 52.100889, -1.941003 52.1006, -1.94123 52.099676, -1.941349 52.099086, -1.941143 52.099071, -1.94118 52.098935, -1.940763 52.098895, -1.940789 52.098771, -1.941306 52.098811, -1.94132 52.098753, -1.941281 52.098746, -1.941349 52.098437, -1.941538 52.098455, -1.941618 52.098126, -1.941314 52.098117, -1.940406 52.098125, -1.940394 52.098235, -1.940288 52.098241, -1.940227 52.09831, -1.939582 52.098182, -1.938796 52.098038, -1.938363 52.098321, -1.938172 52.098474, -1.937804 52.098842, -1.937661 52.099058, -1.937573 52.099223, -1.937506 52.099395, -1.937327 52.099766, -1.937271 52.099862, -1.937073 52.100281, -1.936419 52.10161, -1.935912 52.102673, -1.935743 52.103003, -1.935509 52.103405, -1.935397 52.103647, -1.935275 52.103883, -1.935084 52.104326, -1.934972 52.104357, -1.934617 52.105157, -1.934302 52.10582, -1.934257 52.105947, -1.93412 52.106271, -1.933659 52.107241, -1.933172 52.108332, -1.933092 52.108494, -1.933038 52.108877, -1.932803 52.109415, -1.932659 52.109778, -1.932306 52.110455, -1.938716 52.110266, -1.940831 52.11078))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.943937 52.106184) Facts
Wikidata Q1339928 Facts
Wikipedia Battle_of_Evesham Facts
Document url Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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    "name": "Battle of Evesham 1265",
    "dataset": "battlefield",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1995-06-06",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-12",
    "typology": "geography",
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© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area