
Battle of Barnet 1471

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000001 Facts
Prefix battlefield Facts
Name Battle of Barnet 1471 Facts
Dataset Battlefield no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1995-06-06 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-12 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.207269 51.66864, -0.207771 51.668662, -0.211118 51.666999, -0.211 51.666857, -0.210538 51.666338, -0.210476 51.666277, -0.209705 51.665382, -0.209013 51.664427, -0.208667 51.663973, -0.208294 51.663439, -0.207298 51.662061, -0.205842 51.660072, -0.205322 51.660147, -0.204482 51.660253, -0.204373 51.660248, -0.202915 51.6603, -0.202401 51.660297, -0.202421 51.659786, -0.201329 51.659719, -0.201398 51.659452, -0.201324 51.659433, -0.20136 51.659345, -0.201393 51.659232, -0.201484 51.6587, -0.20085 51.658668, -0.200927 51.658528, -0.20034 51.658389, -0.199632 51.658141, -0.199496 51.658172, -0.199415 51.658254, -0.199366 51.658237, -0.199291 51.658314, -0.199289 51.658325, -0.199168 51.658467, -0.19839 51.658079, -0.198259 51.658004, -0.197098 51.656383, -0.196859 51.656075, -0.196526 51.655589, -0.196308 51.655309, -0.195962 51.65483, -0.194978 51.655068, -0.194865 51.65507, -0.194622 51.655048, -0.194401 51.655047, -0.194044 51.65511, -0.193876 51.655116, -0.193464 51.655192, -0.193338 51.655227, -0.193218 51.655249, -0.192567 51.655334, -0.192471 51.655337, -0.19206 51.655294, -0.191776 51.655218, -0.191762 51.655272, -0.191815 51.655362, -0.191836 51.655521, -0.191896 51.655611, -0.191974 51.65569, -0.192026 51.6558, -0.192109 51.655853, -0.192133 51.65598, -0.192263 51.656233, -0.192315 51.656281, -0.192365 51.656342, -0.192542 51.656574, -0.19258 51.656645, -0.19264 51.656713, -0.192704 51.656758, -0.192699 51.656785, -0.192783 51.656834, -0.192856 51.657003, -0.192884 51.657098, -0.192928 51.657183, -0.192931 51.657252, -0.193028 51.657513, -0.193042 51.6577, -0.19307 51.657839, -0.193126 51.657917, -0.193152 51.65808, -0.193164 51.658267, -0.193064 51.658298, -0.193004 51.658329, -0.193028 51.658625, -0.19305 51.658796, -0.193083 51.658923, -0.193122 51.659132, -0.193213 51.659409, -0.19331 51.659625, -0.193313 51.659695, -0.193376 51.659838, -0.19341 51.660129, -0.193445 51.660285, -0.193495 51.660478, -0.193521 51.660494, -0.193588 51.660742, -0.193529 51.660855, -0.19345 51.660979, -0.193176 51.661108, -0.192952 51.661441, -0.192809 51.661562, -0.192653 51.661633, -0.192649 51.661724, -0.192665 51.66179, -0.19269 51.661836, -0.192803 51.661892, -0.192853 51.661905, -0.193038 51.661903, -0.193022 51.662054, -0.193012 51.662097, -0.19299 51.662123, -0.191805 51.662415, -0.191865 51.662552, -0.19196 51.662699, -0.192003 51.662782, -0.192097 51.6629, -0.190971 51.663374, -0.190924 51.663377, -0.190953 51.663608, -0.191011 51.663777, -0.191034 51.663813, -0.191058 51.663827, -0.19109 51.663914, -0.191243 51.664099, -0.191356 51.664216, -0.191589 51.664377, -0.1918 51.664486, -0.192052 51.664587, -0.192336 51.664687, -0.19261 51.664749, -0.193601 51.664934, -0.194064 51.665019, -0.195685 51.66529, -0.196691 51.665489, -0.196069 51.666356, -0.196666 51.666372, -0.196725 51.66639, -0.197095 51.666419, -0.197372 51.666458, -0.197638 51.666474, -0.197745 51.666505, -0.197929 51.666579, -0.197966 51.666845, -0.19901 51.666986, -0.198896 51.667517, -0.198885 51.667731, -0.198888 51.667885, -0.198953 51.668176, -0.202183 51.667773, -0.202905 51.668012, -0.203158 51.66807, -0.203347 51.668183, -0.20406 51.668348, -0.204496 51.668431, -0.205906 51.668625, -0.206957 51.668627, -0.207269 51.66864))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.200299 51.662814) Facts
Wikidata Q1428169 Facts
Wikipedia Battle_of_Barnet Facts
Document url Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000001",
    "prefix": "battlefield",
    "name": "Battle of Barnet 1471",
    "dataset": "battlefield",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1995-06-06",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-12",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.207269 51.66864, -0.207771 51.668662, -0.211118 51.666999, -0.211 51.666857, -0.210538 51.666338, -0.210476 51.666277, -0.209705 51.665382, -0.209013 51.664427, -0.208667 51.663973, -0.208294 51.663439, -0.207298 51.662061, -0.205842 51.660072, -0.205322 51.660147, -0.204482 51.660253, -0.204373 51.660248, -0.202915 51.6603, -0.202401 51.660297, -0.202421 51.659786, -0.201329 51.659719, -0.201398 51.659452, -0.201324 51.659433, -0.20136 51.659345, -0.201393 51.659232, -0.201484 51.6587, -0.20085 51.658668, -0.200927 51.658528, -0.20034 51.658389, -0.199632 51.658141, -0.199496 51.658172, -0.199415 51.658254, -0.199366 51.658237, -0.199291 51.658314, -0.199289 51.658325, -0.199168 51.658467, -0.19839 51.658079, -0.198259 51.658004, -0.197098 51.656383, -0.196859 51.656075, -0.196526 51.655589, -0.196308 51.655309, -0.195962 51.65483, -0.194978 51.655068, -0.194865 51.65507, -0.194622 51.655048, -0.194401 51.655047, -0.194044 51.65511, -0.193876 51.655116, -0.193464 51.655192, -0.193338 51.655227, -0.193218 51.655249, -0.192567 51.655334, -0.192471 51.655337, -0.19206 51.655294, -0.191776 51.655218, -0.191762 51.655272, -0.191815 51.655362, -0.191836 51.655521, -0.191896 51.655611, -0.191974 51.65569, -0.192026 51.6558, -0.192109 51.655853, -0.192133 51.65598, -0.192263 51.656233, -0.192315 51.656281, -0.192365 51.656342, -0.192542 51.656574, -0.19258 51.656645, -0.19264 51.656713, -0.192704 51.656758, -0.192699 51.656785, -0.192783 51.656834, -0.192856 51.657003, -0.192884 51.657098, -0.192928 51.657183, -0.192931 51.657252, -0.193028 51.657513, -0.193042 51.6577, -0.19307 51.657839, -0.193126 51.657917, -0.193152 51.65808, -0.193164 51.658267, -0.193064 51.658298, -0.193004 51.658329, -0.193028 51.658625, -0.19305 51.658796, -0.193083 51.658923, -0.193122 51.659132, -0.193213 51.659409, -0.19331 51.659625, -0.193313 51.659695, -0.193376 51.659838, -0.19341 51.660129, -0.193445 51.660285, -0.193495 51.660478, -0.193521 51.660494, -0.193588 51.660742, -0.193529 51.660855, -0.19345 51.660979, -0.193176 51.661108, -0.192952 51.661441, -0.192809 51.661562, -0.192653 51.661633, -0.192649 51.661724, -0.192665 51.66179, -0.19269 51.661836, -0.192803 51.661892, -0.192853 51.661905, -0.193038 51.661903, -0.193022 51.662054, -0.193012 51.662097, -0.19299 51.662123, -0.191805 51.662415, -0.191865 51.662552, -0.19196 51.662699, -0.192003 51.662782, -0.192097 51.6629, -0.190971 51.663374, -0.190924 51.663377, -0.190953 51.663608, -0.191011 51.663777, -0.191034 51.663813, -0.191058 51.663827, -0.19109 51.663914, -0.191243 51.664099, -0.191356 51.664216, -0.191589 51.664377, -0.1918 51.664486, -0.192052 51.664587, -0.192336 51.664687, -0.19261 51.664749, -0.193601 51.664934, -0.194064 51.665019, -0.195685 51.66529, -0.196691 51.665489, -0.196069 51.666356, -0.196666 51.666372, -0.196725 51.66639, -0.197095 51.666419, -0.197372 51.666458, -0.197638 51.666474, -0.197745 51.666505, -0.197929 51.666579, -0.197966 51.666845, -0.19901 51.666986, -0.198896 51.667517, -0.198885 51.667731, -0.198888 51.667885, -0.198953 51.668176, -0.202183 51.667773, -0.202905 51.668012, -0.203158 51.66807, -0.203347 51.668183, -0.20406 51.668348, -0.204496 51.668431, -0.205906 51.668625, -0.206957 51.668627, -0.207269 51.66864)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.200299 51.662814)",
    "entity": 1400001,
    "wikidata": "Q1428169",
    "wikipedia": "Battle_of_Barnet",
    "document-url": "",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area