Article 4 direction area

Bledlow-cum-Saunderton - Buildings for use as piggery

Field Value Fact links
Reference 4W44SCZX0183 Facts
Prefix article-4-direction-area Facts
Name Bledlow-cum-Saunderton - Buildings for use as piggery Facts
Dataset Article 4 direction area no fact link
Organisation Buckinghamshire Council no fact link
Start date 1971-08-16 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-01-08 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.845552 51.667932, -0.845529 51.667922, -0.845398 51.667965, -0.845177 51.668081, -0.844987 51.668193, -0.844726 51.668457, -0.843786 51.669371, -0.84456 51.669707, -0.845093 51.669955, -0.845865 51.670352, -0.846132 51.670122, -0.846293 51.669999, -0.84662 51.669808, -0.847089 51.669589, -0.847198 51.669558, -0.847221 51.669525, -0.84729 51.669478, -0.847504 51.669361, -0.847561 51.669204, -0.847556 51.669073, -0.847572 51.668994, -0.847647 51.668844, -0.847755 51.668697, -0.848153 51.668385, -0.848451 51.668179, -0.848744 51.66795, -0.849067 51.667538, -0.84909 51.667491, -0.849096 51.667456, -0.849079 51.667366, -0.849041 51.667289, -0.84898 51.667195, -0.848931 51.667137, -0.848871 51.66703, -0.848805 51.666965, -0.848625 51.66683, -0.848602 51.666797, -0.84859 51.666765, -0.84859 51.666718, -0.848618 51.666617, -0.848601 51.666594, -0.848266 51.66646, -0.847826 51.666265, -0.847743 51.666236, -0.847508 51.666387, -0.847148 51.66665, -0.847001 51.666779, -0.846913 51.66687, -0.846832 51.666969, -0.846781 51.667015, -0.846608 51.667154, -0.846366 51.667309, -0.846299 51.667379, -0.846233 51.667414, -0.846188 51.667469, -0.846176 51.667511, -0.846153 51.667541, -0.846145 51.667577, -0.84613 51.667601, -0.846075 51.667659, -0.846015 51.6677, -0.845953 51.667728, -0.845818 51.667825, -0.845698 51.667869, -0.845622 51.667911, -0.845552 51.667932))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.846633 51.668359) Facts
Description Buildings for use as piggery on agricultural land - refer to Order and GDO 1963 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "4W44SCZX0183",
    "prefix": "article-4-direction-area",
    "name": "Bledlow-cum-Saunderton - Buildings for use as piggery",
    "dataset": "article-4-direction-area",
    "organisation-entity": "67",
    "start-date": "1971-08-16",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-01-08",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.845552 51.667932, -0.845529 51.667922, -0.845398 51.667965, -0.845177 51.668081, -0.844987 51.668193, -0.844726 51.668457, -0.843786 51.669371, -0.84456 51.669707, -0.845093 51.669955, -0.845865 51.670352, -0.846132 51.670122, -0.846293 51.669999, -0.84662 51.669808, -0.847089 51.669589, -0.847198 51.669558, -0.847221 51.669525, -0.84729 51.669478, -0.847504 51.669361, -0.847561 51.669204, -0.847556 51.669073, -0.847572 51.668994, -0.847647 51.668844, -0.847755 51.668697, -0.848153 51.668385, -0.848451 51.668179, -0.848744 51.66795, -0.849067 51.667538, -0.84909 51.667491, -0.849096 51.667456, -0.849079 51.667366, -0.849041 51.667289, -0.84898 51.667195, -0.848931 51.667137, -0.848871 51.66703, -0.848805 51.666965, -0.848625 51.66683, -0.848602 51.666797, -0.84859 51.666765, -0.84859 51.666718, -0.848618 51.666617, -0.848601 51.666594, -0.848266 51.66646, -0.847826 51.666265, -0.847743 51.666236, -0.847508 51.666387, -0.847148 51.66665, -0.847001 51.666779, -0.846913 51.66687, -0.846832 51.666969, -0.846781 51.667015, -0.846608 51.667154, -0.846366 51.667309, -0.846299 51.667379, -0.846233 51.667414, -0.846188 51.667469, -0.846176 51.667511, -0.846153 51.667541, -0.846145 51.667577, -0.84613 51.667601, -0.846075 51.667659, -0.846015 51.6677, -0.845953 51.667728, -0.845818 51.667825, -0.845698 51.667869, -0.845622 51.667911, -0.845552 51.667932)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.846633 51.668359)",
    "entity": 7010002036,
    "description": "Buildings for use as piggery on agricultural land - refer to Order and GDO 1963"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area