Archaeological priority area

Summary and Definition The Hook Hill Archaeological Priority Area covers an area to the north-west of Sanderstead. What is thought to be part of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery was found within the APA in 1884. The APA is classified as Tier 2 because the Sax

Field Value Fact links
Reference 78136 Facts
Prefix archaeological-priority-area Facts
Name Summary and Definition The Hook Hill Archaeological Priority Area covers an area to the north-west of Sanderstead. What is thought to be part of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery was found within the APA in 1884. The APA is classified as Tier 2 because the Sax Facts
Dataset Archaeological priority area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.091711 51.345278, -0.091684 51.345134, -0.091692 51.345115, -0.091652 51.345073, -0.090644 51.344215, -0.09007 51.343695, -0.090053 51.343689, -0.090032 51.343703, -0.090085 51.343883, -0.090092 51.344005, -0.090064 51.344101, -0.090012 51.34417, -0.089932 51.344245, -0.08975 51.344389, -0.089057 51.344853, -0.088945 51.344793, -0.088407 51.34447, -0.088273 51.344553, -0.087626 51.344001, -0.087398 51.34384, -0.086218 51.342958, -0.086023 51.342838, -0.085936 51.342796, -0.085796 51.342735, -0.085583 51.342665, -0.085334 51.342602, -0.084807 51.342491, -0.08214 51.341955, -0.082035 51.341961, -0.081979 51.341978, -0.081617 51.342161, -0.081232 51.342404, -0.08117 51.342455, -0.081112 51.342482, -0.081083 51.342515, -0.081089 51.342543, -0.081107 51.342569, -0.081266 51.342697, -0.081414 51.342797, -0.081629 51.342917, -0.081862 51.343022, -0.082058 51.343094, -0.082383 51.343186, -0.082636 51.343234, -0.082345 51.343592, -0.082251 51.343697, -0.082275 51.343712, -0.08252 51.34383, -0.082514 51.343837, -0.082977 51.34403, -0.083961 51.344256, -0.084131 51.344341, -0.084719 51.344765, -0.084814 51.344722, -0.085065 51.344582, -0.085317 51.344777, -0.085458 51.344785, -0.085601 51.344906, -0.085628 51.344921, -0.085839 51.344811, -0.085895 51.344797, -0.085975 51.344756, -0.085991 51.344727, -0.086067 51.344668, -0.086182 51.344779, -0.086701 51.345164, -0.087035 51.345398, -0.087354 51.3456, -0.088041 51.345987, -0.088892 51.346419, -0.088742 51.346565, -0.088717 51.346604, -0.089213 51.346792, -0.089159 51.346856, -0.089554 51.346984, -0.089842 51.346646, -0.08987 51.346664, -0.090571 51.346905, -0.090735 51.346738, -0.090859 51.346626, -0.091472 51.346124, -0.091499 51.346094, -0.091526 51.346025, -0.091522 51.345938, -0.091489 51.345886, -0.091388 51.345772, -0.091377 51.345746, -0.091368 51.345678, -0.09137 51.345613, -0.091403 51.345542, -0.09146 51.34548, -0.091687 51.345311, -0.091711 51.345278))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.086779 51.34436) Facts
Archaeological risk tier Archaeological Priority Area - Tier II Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "78136",
    "prefix": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "name": "Summary and Definition The Hook Hill Archaeological Priority Area covers an area to the north-west of Sanderstead. What is thought to be part of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery was found within the APA in 1884. The APA is classified as Tier 2 because the Sax",
    "dataset": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.091711 51.345278, -0.091684 51.345134, -0.091692 51.345115, -0.091652 51.345073, -0.090644 51.344215, -0.09007 51.343695, -0.090053 51.343689, -0.090032 51.343703, -0.090085 51.343883, -0.090092 51.344005, -0.090064 51.344101, -0.090012 51.34417, -0.089932 51.344245, -0.08975 51.344389, -0.089057 51.344853, -0.088945 51.344793, -0.088407 51.34447, -0.088273 51.344553, -0.087626 51.344001, -0.087398 51.34384, -0.086218 51.342958, -0.086023 51.342838, -0.085936 51.342796, -0.085796 51.342735, -0.085583 51.342665, -0.085334 51.342602, -0.084807 51.342491, -0.08214 51.341955, -0.082035 51.341961, -0.081979 51.341978, -0.081617 51.342161, -0.081232 51.342404, -0.08117 51.342455, -0.081112 51.342482, -0.081083 51.342515, -0.081089 51.342543, -0.081107 51.342569, -0.081266 51.342697, -0.081414 51.342797, -0.081629 51.342917, -0.081862 51.343022, -0.082058 51.343094, -0.082383 51.343186, -0.082636 51.343234, -0.082345 51.343592, -0.082251 51.343697, -0.082275 51.343712, -0.08252 51.34383, -0.082514 51.343837, -0.082977 51.34403, -0.083961 51.344256, -0.084131 51.344341, -0.084719 51.344765, -0.084814 51.344722, -0.085065 51.344582, -0.085317 51.344777, -0.085458 51.344785, -0.085601 51.344906, -0.085628 51.344921, -0.085839 51.344811, -0.085895 51.344797, -0.085975 51.344756, -0.085991 51.344727, -0.086067 51.344668, -0.086182 51.344779, -0.086701 51.345164, -0.087035 51.345398, -0.087354 51.3456, -0.088041 51.345987, -0.088892 51.346419, -0.088742 51.346565, -0.088717 51.346604, -0.089213 51.346792, -0.089159 51.346856, -0.089554 51.346984, -0.089842 51.346646, -0.08987 51.346664, -0.090571 51.346905, -0.090735 51.346738, -0.090859 51.346626, -0.091472 51.346124, -0.091499 51.346094, -0.091526 51.346025, -0.091522 51.345938, -0.091489 51.345886, -0.091388 51.345772, -0.091377 51.345746, -0.091368 51.345678, -0.09137 51.345613, -0.091403 51.345542, -0.09146 51.34548, -0.091687 51.345311, -0.091711 51.345278)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.086779 51.34436)",
    "entity": 40038,
    "archaeological-risk-tier": "Archaeological Priority Area - Tier II"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area