Archaeological priority area
(core area of Harrow on the Hill)
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 77649 | Facts |
Prefix | archaeological-priority-area | Facts |
Name | (core area of Harrow on the Hill) | Facts |
Dataset | Archaeological priority area | no fact link |
Organisation | Historic England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2025-02-10 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.341544 51.575855, -0.34184 51.575509, -0.342232 51.574969, -0.342287 51.574973, -0.342399 51.574787, -0.342635 51.574775, -0.343051 51.574697, -0.343439 51.574702, -0.343455 51.574643, -0.343493 51.57425, -0.343516 51.57414, -0.343715 51.573688, -0.343768 51.573497, -0.343811 51.573132, -0.343771 51.573042, -0.343697 51.572981, -0.344106 51.572895, -0.344197 51.572867, -0.344357 51.572798, -0.344548 51.572696, -0.344624 51.572644, -0.34324 51.571925, -0.343681 51.571624, -0.343701 51.571595, -0.34369 51.571561, -0.343646 51.571523, -0.343601 51.571456, -0.343252 51.571026, -0.343202 51.570953, -0.343125 51.570799, -0.343622 51.570707, -0.344175 51.57051, -0.344013 51.570391, -0.343865 51.570294, -0.343743 51.570196, -0.343731 51.5702, -0.34338 51.569851, -0.343351 51.569773, -0.343153 51.569777, -0.343125 51.569785, -0.342564 51.569809, -0.342524 51.569803, -0.342476 51.569791, -0.342444 51.569774, -0.342422 51.569751, -0.342374 51.569592, -0.34236 51.569584, -0.342367 51.569552, -0.342281 51.569567, -0.34143 51.569868, -0.341205 51.569867, -0.34113 51.5699, -0.341028 51.569931, -0.340502 51.570071, -0.339861 51.570101, -0.339658 51.569881, -0.339684 51.569709, -0.339679 51.569452, -0.338804 51.569474, -0.338554 51.569487, -0.338614 51.569601, -0.338529 51.569612, -0.338461 51.569718, -0.338358 51.569932, -0.338264 51.570199, -0.338241 51.570325, -0.338235 51.570448, -0.338271 51.570543, -0.338208 51.570686, -0.338165 51.570759, -0.337803 51.571247, -0.337751 51.5713, -0.337569 51.571422, -0.337189 51.571529, -0.33676 51.571629, -0.336643 51.571668, -0.336599 51.571717, -0.336601 51.571739, -0.336549 51.571837, -0.336544 51.571864, -0.336327 51.571807, -0.336236 51.571805, -0.336148 51.571778, -0.336091 51.571775, -0.335999 51.571813, -0.335795 51.571961, -0.335588 51.572023, -0.335429 51.57213, -0.33528 51.572037, -0.335128 51.572039, -0.335026 51.572055, -0.33468 51.572275, -0.334563 51.572386, -0.334469 51.57257, -0.334447 51.57265, -0.33443 51.572838, -0.334417 51.57291, -0.334402 51.572949, -0.334207 51.573118, -0.334059 51.573303, -0.334011 51.573298, -0.333941 51.573528, -0.333916 51.573576, -0.333346 51.574373, -0.333729 51.574531, -0.334064 51.574715, -0.334072 51.574735, -0.334065 51.574756, -0.333895 51.574878, -0.334071 51.574962, -0.334123 51.574958, -0.334187 51.574967, -0.334385 51.575036, -0.334506 51.575046, -0.334536 51.575056, -0.334566 51.57508, -0.334578 51.575103, -0.334578 51.575154, -0.334541 51.575334, -0.334667 51.575615, -0.334683 51.575635, -0.334829 51.57613, -0.334863 51.576316, -0.335018 51.576238, -0.335149 51.576223, -0.335174 51.576207, -0.335213 51.576204, -0.33524 51.576215, -0.335294 51.576208, -0.335419 51.576154, -0.335688 51.576107, -0.335966 51.576108, -0.336203 51.576084, -0.336496 51.576026, -0.336942 51.575915, -0.337076 51.575858, -0.337309 51.575666, -0.337439 51.575542, -0.337987 51.575401, -0.33839 51.575284, -0.338468 51.575269, -0.338611 51.575208, -0.338743 51.575129, -0.338677 51.574988, -0.338903 51.574908, -0.339104 51.574799, -0.339379 51.574885, -0.339636 51.574952, -0.339865 51.575048, -0.340011 51.575125, -0.340694 51.575379, -0.340934 51.575493, -0.341097 51.575582, -0.341544 51.575855)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.339213 51.572959)
Facts |
Archaeological risk tier | Archaeological Priority Area | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "77649",
"prefix": "archaeological-priority-area",
"name": "(core area of Harrow on the Hill)",
"dataset": "archaeological-priority-area",
"organisation-entity": "16",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2025-02-10",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.341544 51.575855, -0.34184 51.575509, -0.342232 51.574969, -0.342287 51.574973, -0.342399 51.574787, -0.342635 51.574775, -0.343051 51.574697, -0.343439 51.574702, -0.343455 51.574643, -0.343493 51.57425, -0.343516 51.57414, -0.343715 51.573688, -0.343768 51.573497, -0.343811 51.573132, -0.343771 51.573042, -0.343697 51.572981, -0.344106 51.572895, -0.344197 51.572867, -0.344357 51.572798, -0.344548 51.572696, -0.344624 51.572644, -0.34324 51.571925, -0.343681 51.571624, -0.343701 51.571595, -0.34369 51.571561, -0.343646 51.571523, -0.343601 51.571456, -0.343252 51.571026, -0.343202 51.570953, -0.343125 51.570799, -0.343622 51.570707, -0.344175 51.57051, -0.344013 51.570391, -0.343865 51.570294, -0.343743 51.570196, -0.343731 51.5702, -0.34338 51.569851, -0.343351 51.569773, -0.343153 51.569777, -0.343125 51.569785, -0.342564 51.569809, -0.342524 51.569803, -0.342476 51.569791, -0.342444 51.569774, -0.342422 51.569751, -0.342374 51.569592, -0.34236 51.569584, -0.342367 51.569552, -0.342281 51.569567, -0.34143 51.569868, -0.341205 51.569867, -0.34113 51.5699, -0.341028 51.569931, -0.340502 51.570071, -0.339861 51.570101, -0.339658 51.569881, -0.339684 51.569709, -0.339679 51.569452, -0.338804 51.569474, -0.338554 51.569487, -0.338614 51.569601, -0.338529 51.569612, -0.338461 51.569718, -0.338358 51.569932, -0.338264 51.570199, -0.338241 51.570325, -0.338235 51.570448, -0.338271 51.570543, -0.338208 51.570686, -0.338165 51.570759, -0.337803 51.571247, -0.337751 51.5713, -0.337569 51.571422, -0.337189 51.571529, -0.33676 51.571629, -0.336643 51.571668, -0.336599 51.571717, -0.336601 51.571739, -0.336549 51.571837, -0.336544 51.571864, -0.336327 51.571807, -0.336236 51.571805, -0.336148 51.571778, -0.336091 51.571775, -0.335999 51.571813, -0.335795 51.571961, -0.335588 51.572023, -0.335429 51.57213, -0.33528 51.572037, -0.335128 51.572039, -0.335026 51.572055, -0.33468 51.572275, -0.334563 51.572386, -0.334469 51.57257, -0.334447 51.57265, -0.33443 51.572838, -0.334417 51.57291, -0.334402 51.572949, -0.334207 51.573118, -0.334059 51.573303, -0.334011 51.573298, -0.333941 51.573528, -0.333916 51.573576, -0.333346 51.574373, -0.333729 51.574531, -0.334064 51.574715, -0.334072 51.574735, -0.334065 51.574756, -0.333895 51.574878, -0.334071 51.574962, -0.334123 51.574958, -0.334187 51.574967, -0.334385 51.575036, -0.334506 51.575046, -0.334536 51.575056, -0.334566 51.57508, -0.334578 51.575103, -0.334578 51.575154, -0.334541 51.575334, -0.334667 51.575615, -0.334683 51.575635, -0.334829 51.57613, -0.334863 51.576316, -0.335018 51.576238, -0.335149 51.576223, -0.335174 51.576207, -0.335213 51.576204, -0.33524 51.576215, -0.335294 51.576208, -0.335419 51.576154, -0.335688 51.576107, -0.335966 51.576108, -0.336203 51.576084, -0.336496 51.576026, -0.336942 51.575915, -0.337076 51.575858, -0.337309 51.575666, -0.337439 51.575542, -0.337987 51.575401, -0.33839 51.575284, -0.338468 51.575269, -0.338611 51.575208, -0.338743 51.575129, -0.338677 51.574988, -0.338903 51.574908, -0.339104 51.574799, -0.339379 51.574885, -0.339636 51.574952, -0.339865 51.575048, -0.340011 51.575125, -0.340694 51.575379, -0.340934 51.575493, -0.341097 51.575582, -0.341544 51.575855)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.339213 51.572959)",
"entity": 40005,
"archaeological-risk-tier": "Archaeological Priority Area"
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.