Archaeological priority area

(core area of Harrow on the Hill)

Field Value Fact links
Reference 77649 Facts
Prefix archaeological-priority-area Facts
Name (core area of Harrow on the Hill) Facts
Dataset Archaeological priority area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.341544 51.575855, -0.34184 51.575509, -0.342232 51.574969, -0.342287 51.574973, -0.342399 51.574787, -0.342635 51.574775, -0.343051 51.574697, -0.343439 51.574702, -0.343455 51.574643, -0.343493 51.57425, -0.343516 51.57414, -0.343715 51.573688, -0.343768 51.573497, -0.343811 51.573132, -0.343771 51.573042, -0.343697 51.572981, -0.344106 51.572895, -0.344197 51.572867, -0.344357 51.572798, -0.344548 51.572696, -0.344624 51.572644, -0.34324 51.571925, -0.343681 51.571624, -0.343701 51.571595, -0.34369 51.571561, -0.343646 51.571523, -0.343601 51.571456, -0.343252 51.571026, -0.343202 51.570953, -0.343125 51.570799, -0.343622 51.570707, -0.344175 51.57051, -0.344013 51.570391, -0.343865 51.570294, -0.343743 51.570196, -0.343731 51.5702, -0.34338 51.569851, -0.343351 51.569773, -0.343153 51.569777, -0.343125 51.569785, -0.342564 51.569809, -0.342524 51.569803, -0.342476 51.569791, -0.342444 51.569774, -0.342422 51.569751, -0.342374 51.569592, -0.34236 51.569584, -0.342367 51.569552, -0.342281 51.569567, -0.34143 51.569868, -0.341205 51.569867, -0.34113 51.5699, -0.341028 51.569931, -0.340502 51.570071, -0.339861 51.570101, -0.339658 51.569881, -0.339684 51.569709, -0.339679 51.569452, -0.338804 51.569474, -0.338554 51.569487, -0.338614 51.569601, -0.338529 51.569612, -0.338461 51.569718, -0.338358 51.569932, -0.338264 51.570199, -0.338241 51.570325, -0.338235 51.570448, -0.338271 51.570543, -0.338208 51.570686, -0.338165 51.570759, -0.337803 51.571247, -0.337751 51.5713, -0.337569 51.571422, -0.337189 51.571529, -0.33676 51.571629, -0.336643 51.571668, -0.336599 51.571717, -0.336601 51.571739, -0.336549 51.571837, -0.336544 51.571864, -0.336327 51.571807, -0.336236 51.571805, -0.336148 51.571778, -0.336091 51.571775, -0.335999 51.571813, -0.335795 51.571961, -0.335588 51.572023, -0.335429 51.57213, -0.33528 51.572037, -0.335128 51.572039, -0.335026 51.572055, -0.33468 51.572275, -0.334563 51.572386, -0.334469 51.57257, -0.334447 51.57265, -0.33443 51.572838, -0.334417 51.57291, -0.334402 51.572949, -0.334207 51.573118, -0.334059 51.573303, -0.334011 51.573298, -0.333941 51.573528, -0.333916 51.573576, -0.333346 51.574373, -0.333729 51.574531, -0.334064 51.574715, -0.334072 51.574735, -0.334065 51.574756, -0.333895 51.574878, -0.334071 51.574962, -0.334123 51.574958, -0.334187 51.574967, -0.334385 51.575036, -0.334506 51.575046, -0.334536 51.575056, -0.334566 51.57508, -0.334578 51.575103, -0.334578 51.575154, -0.334541 51.575334, -0.334667 51.575615, -0.334683 51.575635, -0.334829 51.57613, -0.334863 51.576316, -0.335018 51.576238, -0.335149 51.576223, -0.335174 51.576207, -0.335213 51.576204, -0.33524 51.576215, -0.335294 51.576208, -0.335419 51.576154, -0.335688 51.576107, -0.335966 51.576108, -0.336203 51.576084, -0.336496 51.576026, -0.336942 51.575915, -0.337076 51.575858, -0.337309 51.575666, -0.337439 51.575542, -0.337987 51.575401, -0.33839 51.575284, -0.338468 51.575269, -0.338611 51.575208, -0.338743 51.575129, -0.338677 51.574988, -0.338903 51.574908, -0.339104 51.574799, -0.339379 51.574885, -0.339636 51.574952, -0.339865 51.575048, -0.340011 51.575125, -0.340694 51.575379, -0.340934 51.575493, -0.341097 51.575582, -0.341544 51.575855))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.339213 51.572959) Facts
Archaeological risk tier Archaeological Priority Area Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "77649",
    "prefix": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "name": "(core area of Harrow on the Hill)",
    "dataset": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.341544 51.575855, -0.34184 51.575509, -0.342232 51.574969, -0.342287 51.574973, -0.342399 51.574787, -0.342635 51.574775, -0.343051 51.574697, -0.343439 51.574702, -0.343455 51.574643, -0.343493 51.57425, -0.343516 51.57414, -0.343715 51.573688, -0.343768 51.573497, -0.343811 51.573132, -0.343771 51.573042, -0.343697 51.572981, -0.344106 51.572895, -0.344197 51.572867, -0.344357 51.572798, -0.344548 51.572696, -0.344624 51.572644, -0.34324 51.571925, -0.343681 51.571624, -0.343701 51.571595, -0.34369 51.571561, -0.343646 51.571523, -0.343601 51.571456, -0.343252 51.571026, -0.343202 51.570953, -0.343125 51.570799, -0.343622 51.570707, -0.344175 51.57051, -0.344013 51.570391, -0.343865 51.570294, -0.343743 51.570196, -0.343731 51.5702, -0.34338 51.569851, -0.343351 51.569773, -0.343153 51.569777, -0.343125 51.569785, -0.342564 51.569809, -0.342524 51.569803, -0.342476 51.569791, -0.342444 51.569774, -0.342422 51.569751, -0.342374 51.569592, -0.34236 51.569584, -0.342367 51.569552, -0.342281 51.569567, -0.34143 51.569868, -0.341205 51.569867, -0.34113 51.5699, -0.341028 51.569931, -0.340502 51.570071, -0.339861 51.570101, -0.339658 51.569881, -0.339684 51.569709, -0.339679 51.569452, -0.338804 51.569474, -0.338554 51.569487, -0.338614 51.569601, -0.338529 51.569612, -0.338461 51.569718, -0.338358 51.569932, -0.338264 51.570199, -0.338241 51.570325, -0.338235 51.570448, -0.338271 51.570543, -0.338208 51.570686, -0.338165 51.570759, -0.337803 51.571247, -0.337751 51.5713, -0.337569 51.571422, -0.337189 51.571529, -0.33676 51.571629, -0.336643 51.571668, -0.336599 51.571717, -0.336601 51.571739, -0.336549 51.571837, -0.336544 51.571864, -0.336327 51.571807, -0.336236 51.571805, -0.336148 51.571778, -0.336091 51.571775, -0.335999 51.571813, -0.335795 51.571961, -0.335588 51.572023, -0.335429 51.57213, -0.33528 51.572037, -0.335128 51.572039, -0.335026 51.572055, -0.33468 51.572275, -0.334563 51.572386, -0.334469 51.57257, -0.334447 51.57265, -0.33443 51.572838, -0.334417 51.57291, -0.334402 51.572949, -0.334207 51.573118, -0.334059 51.573303, -0.334011 51.573298, -0.333941 51.573528, -0.333916 51.573576, -0.333346 51.574373, -0.333729 51.574531, -0.334064 51.574715, -0.334072 51.574735, -0.334065 51.574756, -0.333895 51.574878, -0.334071 51.574962, -0.334123 51.574958, -0.334187 51.574967, -0.334385 51.575036, -0.334506 51.575046, -0.334536 51.575056, -0.334566 51.57508, -0.334578 51.575103, -0.334578 51.575154, -0.334541 51.575334, -0.334667 51.575615, -0.334683 51.575635, -0.334829 51.57613, -0.334863 51.576316, -0.335018 51.576238, -0.335149 51.576223, -0.335174 51.576207, -0.335213 51.576204, -0.33524 51.576215, -0.335294 51.576208, -0.335419 51.576154, -0.335688 51.576107, -0.335966 51.576108, -0.336203 51.576084, -0.336496 51.576026, -0.336942 51.575915, -0.337076 51.575858, -0.337309 51.575666, -0.337439 51.575542, -0.337987 51.575401, -0.33839 51.575284, -0.338468 51.575269, -0.338611 51.575208, -0.338743 51.575129, -0.338677 51.574988, -0.338903 51.574908, -0.339104 51.574799, -0.339379 51.574885, -0.339636 51.574952, -0.339865 51.575048, -0.340011 51.575125, -0.340694 51.575379, -0.340934 51.575493, -0.341097 51.575582, -0.341544 51.575855)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.339213 51.572959)",
    "entity": 40005,
    "archaeological-risk-tier": "Archaeological Priority Area"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area