Archaeological priority area

The Saxon place name is apparently derived from ‘Bedda’s settlement’. The Domesday Book refers to two mills and a church, probably the original foundation of St. Mary’s. Two stone sarcophagi found in the churchyard of St. Mary’s reveal the pres

Field Value Fact links
Reference 76962 Facts
Prefix archaeological-priority-area Facts
Name The Saxon place name is apparently derived from ‘Bedda’s settlement’. The Domesday Book refers to two mills and a church, probably the original foundation of St. Mary’s. Two stone sarcophagi found in the churchyard of St. Mary’s reveal the pres Facts
Dataset Archaeological priority area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.133616 51.368275, -0.133721 51.368503, -0.133862 51.368767, -0.133816 51.368968, -0.133619 51.369144, -0.13346 51.369319, -0.133471 51.369522, -0.133386 51.369723, -0.133242 51.369994, -0.132984 51.370264, -0.132783 51.370534, -0.132471 51.370731, -0.132155 51.371036, -0.131878 51.371281, -0.131663 51.371896, -0.131655 51.37211, -0.13166 51.372455, -0.131703 51.372789, -0.131755 51.372921, -0.135273 51.372394, -0.136917 51.37217, -0.136895 51.370837, -0.136827 51.370182, -0.136695 51.369692, -0.136669 51.369382, -0.13731 51.369512, -0.138233 51.369717, -0.139482 51.369855, -0.140526 51.369884, -0.142711 51.369907, -0.142705 51.370061, -0.142776 51.370181, -0.14295 51.370577, -0.144251 51.370371, -0.144591 51.370424, -0.144954 51.37037, -0.146928 51.369973, -0.146765 51.369757, -0.147458 51.369553, -0.147355 51.369266, -0.14729 51.369015, -0.147538 51.368984, -0.147542 51.368889, -0.146878 51.367439, -0.14642 51.367491, -0.146073 51.367604, -0.145631 51.367728, -0.144787 51.367917, -0.142972 51.368162, -0.143023 51.368305, -0.142939 51.368494, -0.142293 51.368484, -0.141837 51.368501, -0.141317 51.368195, -0.141051 51.368191, -0.141008 51.368321, -0.140114 51.368319, -0.140095 51.367866, -0.139601 51.367859, -0.137732 51.368019, -0.136281 51.368187, -0.135479 51.368269, -0.13455 51.368218, -0.134056 51.368211, -0.133616 51.368275))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.138891 51.369767) Facts
Archaeological risk tier Archaeological Priority Area Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "76962",
    "prefix": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "name": "The Saxon place name is apparently derived from \u2018Bedda\u2019s settlement\u2019. The Domesday Book refers to two mills and a church, probably the original foundation of St. Mary\u2019s. Two stone sarcophagi found in the churchyard of St. Mary\u2019s reveal the pres",
    "dataset": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.133616 51.368275, -0.133721 51.368503, -0.133862 51.368767, -0.133816 51.368968, -0.133619 51.369144, -0.13346 51.369319, -0.133471 51.369522, -0.133386 51.369723, -0.133242 51.369994, -0.132984 51.370264, -0.132783 51.370534, -0.132471 51.370731, -0.132155 51.371036, -0.131878 51.371281, -0.131663 51.371896, -0.131655 51.37211, -0.13166 51.372455, -0.131703 51.372789, -0.131755 51.372921, -0.135273 51.372394, -0.136917 51.37217, -0.136895 51.370837, -0.136827 51.370182, -0.136695 51.369692, -0.136669 51.369382, -0.13731 51.369512, -0.138233 51.369717, -0.139482 51.369855, -0.140526 51.369884, -0.142711 51.369907, -0.142705 51.370061, -0.142776 51.370181, -0.14295 51.370577, -0.144251 51.370371, -0.144591 51.370424, -0.144954 51.37037, -0.146928 51.369973, -0.146765 51.369757, -0.147458 51.369553, -0.147355 51.369266, -0.14729 51.369015, -0.147538 51.368984, -0.147542 51.368889, -0.146878 51.367439, -0.14642 51.367491, -0.146073 51.367604, -0.145631 51.367728, -0.144787 51.367917, -0.142972 51.368162, -0.143023 51.368305, -0.142939 51.368494, -0.142293 51.368484, -0.141837 51.368501, -0.141317 51.368195, -0.141051 51.368191, -0.141008 51.368321, -0.140114 51.368319, -0.140095 51.367866, -0.139601 51.367859, -0.137732 51.368019, -0.136281 51.368187, -0.135479 51.368269, -0.13455 51.368218, -0.134056 51.368211, -0.133616 51.368275)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.138891 51.369767)",
    "entity": 40000,
    "archaeological-risk-tier": "Archaeological Priority Area"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area