Archaeological priority area

Summary and Definition 8.3.1 The Archaeological Priority Area covers an area of undeveloped land in the north-west of the borough comprising Bluebell Wood, Muswell Hill Golf Course and Albert Road Recreation Ground. Bl

Field Value Fact links
Reference 76923 Facts
Prefix archaeological-priority-area Facts
Name Summary and Definition 8.3.1 The Archaeological Priority Area covers an area of undeveloped land in the north-west of the borough comprising Bluebell Wood, Muswell Hill Golf Course and Albert Road Recreation Ground. Bl Facts
Dataset Archaeological priority area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.135769 51.607742, -0.136002 51.60788, -0.136426 51.608227, -0.137499 51.609054, -0.137918 51.608603, -0.138477 51.608106, -0.138666 51.60788, -0.138951 51.607369, -0.140838 51.606823, -0.140909 51.606834, -0.141276 51.606748, -0.142951 51.606419, -0.142706 51.605737, -0.142458 51.605306, -0.142409 51.605165, -0.142381 51.60513, -0.142355 51.605141, -0.142126 51.604939, -0.142105 51.604815, -0.142004 51.60458, -0.141958 51.60398, -0.141962 51.603694, -0.142026 51.603556, -0.141985 51.603553, -0.141996 51.603494, -0.142042 51.603494, -0.142052 51.6034, -0.142115 51.603291, -0.142215 51.603183, -0.142541 51.602878, -0.1427 51.602794, -0.142834 51.602681, -0.143104 51.602396, -0.143199 51.602248, -0.143244 51.602107, -0.143396 51.601953, -0.143611 51.601652, -0.143797 51.601473, -0.143891 51.601287, -0.144147 51.601115, -0.144478 51.600462, -0.142816 51.600595, -0.141442 51.600685, -0.140897 51.600615, -0.139315 51.600334, -0.13889 51.600595, -0.138565 51.600416, -0.137642 51.600976, -0.137578 51.600938, -0.137119 51.60122, -0.136863 51.601062, -0.136803 51.6011, -0.136884 51.601235, -0.13732 51.601683, -0.13738 51.601712, -0.137313 51.601739, -0.137865 51.602312, -0.136953 51.602535, -0.136887 51.602569, -0.136804 51.602656, -0.136639 51.602621, -0.136575 51.602566, -0.136343 51.602674, -0.136306 51.602676, -0.136211 51.602582, -0.136004 51.602249, -0.135967 51.602258, -0.135908 51.602231, -0.135281 51.602373, -0.135151 51.602166, -0.135735 51.60201, -0.135658 51.601849, -0.135394 51.601532, -0.135615 51.601464, -0.135757 51.601368, -0.135196 51.601016, -0.135348 51.60092, -0.135198 51.600823, -0.135404 51.600691, -0.135447 51.600737, -0.13567 51.600581, -0.135669 51.600564, -0.135446 51.600411, -0.135692 51.600256, -0.135632 51.600212, -0.136033 51.59997, -0.135659 51.599736, -0.135117 51.60014, -0.134676 51.600416, -0.134135 51.600714, -0.133621 51.600955, -0.133195 51.601131, -0.132452 51.601396, -0.131925 51.601649, -0.131587 51.601858, -0.131301 51.602115, -0.131421 51.602183, -0.131647 51.602812, -0.131607 51.602861, -0.131758 51.603251, -0.131817 51.603314, -0.131923 51.603373, -0.131915 51.603441, -0.132016 51.603496, -0.13429 51.603157, -0.135227 51.602968, -0.135253 51.602918, -0.135382 51.602886, -0.135626 51.603327, -0.134683 51.603524, -0.133194 51.603766, -0.135266 51.605578, -0.134426 51.605832, -0.134221 51.605868, -0.133943 51.606045, -0.133399 51.606543, -0.13526 51.607697, -0.135501 51.607679, -0.135769 51.607742))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.137982 51.603971) Facts
Archaeological risk tier Archaeological Priority Area - Tier III Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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    "prefix": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "name": "Summary and Definition 8.3.1 The Archaeological Priority Area covers an area of undeveloped land in the north-west of the borough comprising Bluebell Wood, Muswell Hill Golf Course and Albert Road Recreation Ground. Bl",
    "dataset": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.135769 51.607742, -0.136002 51.60788, -0.136426 51.608227, -0.137499 51.609054, -0.137918 51.608603, -0.138477 51.608106, -0.138666 51.60788, -0.138951 51.607369, -0.140838 51.606823, -0.140909 51.606834, -0.141276 51.606748, -0.142951 51.606419, -0.142706 51.605737, -0.142458 51.605306, -0.142409 51.605165, -0.142381 51.60513, -0.142355 51.605141, -0.142126 51.604939, -0.142105 51.604815, -0.142004 51.60458, -0.141958 51.60398, -0.141962 51.603694, -0.142026 51.603556, -0.141985 51.603553, -0.141996 51.603494, -0.142042 51.603494, -0.142052 51.6034, -0.142115 51.603291, -0.142215 51.603183, -0.142541 51.602878, -0.1427 51.602794, -0.142834 51.602681, -0.143104 51.602396, -0.143199 51.602248, -0.143244 51.602107, -0.143396 51.601953, -0.143611 51.601652, -0.143797 51.601473, -0.143891 51.601287, -0.144147 51.601115, -0.144478 51.600462, -0.142816 51.600595, -0.141442 51.600685, -0.140897 51.600615, -0.139315 51.600334, -0.13889 51.600595, -0.138565 51.600416, -0.137642 51.600976, -0.137578 51.600938, -0.137119 51.60122, -0.136863 51.601062, -0.136803 51.6011, -0.136884 51.601235, -0.13732 51.601683, -0.13738 51.601712, -0.137313 51.601739, -0.137865 51.602312, -0.136953 51.602535, -0.136887 51.602569, -0.136804 51.602656, -0.136639 51.602621, -0.136575 51.602566, -0.136343 51.602674, -0.136306 51.602676, -0.136211 51.602582, -0.136004 51.602249, -0.135967 51.602258, -0.135908 51.602231, -0.135281 51.602373, -0.135151 51.602166, -0.135735 51.60201, -0.135658 51.601849, -0.135394 51.601532, -0.135615 51.601464, -0.135757 51.601368, -0.135196 51.601016, -0.135348 51.60092, -0.135198 51.600823, -0.135404 51.600691, -0.135447 51.600737, -0.13567 51.600581, -0.135669 51.600564, -0.135446 51.600411, -0.135692 51.600256, -0.135632 51.600212, -0.136033 51.59997, -0.135659 51.599736, -0.135117 51.60014, -0.134676 51.600416, -0.134135 51.600714, -0.133621 51.600955, -0.133195 51.601131, -0.132452 51.601396, -0.131925 51.601649, -0.131587 51.601858, -0.131301 51.602115, -0.131421 51.602183, -0.131647 51.602812, -0.131607 51.602861, -0.131758 51.603251, -0.131817 51.603314, -0.131923 51.603373, -0.131915 51.603441, -0.132016 51.603496, -0.13429 51.603157, -0.135227 51.602968, -0.135253 51.602918, -0.135382 51.602886, -0.135626 51.603327, -0.134683 51.603524, -0.133194 51.603766, -0.135266 51.605578, -0.134426 51.605832, -0.134221 51.605868, -0.133943 51.606045, -0.133399 51.606543, -0.13526 51.607697, -0.135501 51.607679, -0.135769 51.607742)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.137982 51.603971)",
    "entity": 40001,
    "archaeological-risk-tier": "Archaeological Priority Area - Tier III"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area