Archaeological priority area

p Summary and Definition /p p The Barking Abbey Archaeological Priority Area covers the site of the abbey, its precinct and associated buildings. It was the first nunnery established in England and has royal associations. The abbey was in use from it

Field Value Fact links
Reference 76760 Facts
Prefix archaeological-priority-area Facts
Name p Summary and Definition /p p The Barking Abbey Archaeological Priority Area covers the site of the abbey, its precinct and associated buildings. It was the first nunnery established in England and has royal associations. The abbey was in use from it Facts
Dataset Archaeological priority area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.076538 51.537183, 0.076492 51.537336, 0.07651 51.537354, 0.076447 51.537531, 0.076478 51.537572, 0.076598 51.537673, 0.07665 51.537698, 0.076704 51.537739, 0.076458 51.537694, 0.075888 51.537636, 0.074729 51.537547, 0.073318 51.537462, 0.073036 51.537434, 0.072274 51.537343, 0.071973 51.537296, 0.071687 51.53724, 0.071381 51.537157, 0.071393 51.537144, 0.071413 51.537144, 0.071754 51.536649, 0.072557 51.535367, 0.073305 51.534629, 0.073339 51.534422, 0.073317 51.53433, 0.073347 51.534277, 0.073538 51.534107, 0.073794 51.534227, 0.073911 51.534211, 0.074352 51.533783, 0.074389 51.5338, 0.074884 51.533863, 0.075191 51.533926, 0.075255 51.533872, 0.075345 51.533818, 0.07546 51.533764, 0.07555 51.533732, 0.075681 51.533696, 0.075787 51.533677, 0.075996 51.533661, 0.076094 51.533665, 0.076215 51.533685, 0.076447 51.533746, 0.077064 51.533965, 0.077095 51.534003, 0.077489 51.534143, 0.077615 51.534162, 0.077774 51.534223, 0.077859 51.534272, 0.077971 51.53449, 0.077976 51.534539, 0.077947 51.534594, 0.077761 51.534786, 0.077721 51.534849, 0.077727 51.534884, 0.077719 51.53491, 0.077355 51.535312, 0.07724 51.535458, 0.076997 51.535803, 0.076953 51.535851, 0.076794 51.536082, 0.076492 51.536591, 0.07678 51.536655, 0.076538 51.537183))) Facts
Point POINT (0.074827 51.535737) Facts
Archaeological risk tier Archaeological Priority Area - Tier I Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "76760",
    "prefix": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "name": "p Summary and Definition /p p The Barking Abbey Archaeological Priority Area covers the site of the abbey, its precinct and associated buildings. It was the first nunnery established in England and has royal associations. The abbey was in use from it",
    "dataset": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.076538 51.537183, 0.076492 51.537336, 0.07651 51.537354, 0.076447 51.537531, 0.076478 51.537572, 0.076598 51.537673, 0.07665 51.537698, 0.076704 51.537739, 0.076458 51.537694, 0.075888 51.537636, 0.074729 51.537547, 0.073318 51.537462, 0.073036 51.537434, 0.072274 51.537343, 0.071973 51.537296, 0.071687 51.53724, 0.071381 51.537157, 0.071393 51.537144, 0.071413 51.537144, 0.071754 51.536649, 0.072557 51.535367, 0.073305 51.534629, 0.073339 51.534422, 0.073317 51.53433, 0.073347 51.534277, 0.073538 51.534107, 0.073794 51.534227, 0.073911 51.534211, 0.074352 51.533783, 0.074389 51.5338, 0.074884 51.533863, 0.075191 51.533926, 0.075255 51.533872, 0.075345 51.533818, 0.07546 51.533764, 0.07555 51.533732, 0.075681 51.533696, 0.075787 51.533677, 0.075996 51.533661, 0.076094 51.533665, 0.076215 51.533685, 0.076447 51.533746, 0.077064 51.533965, 0.077095 51.534003, 0.077489 51.534143, 0.077615 51.534162, 0.077774 51.534223, 0.077859 51.534272, 0.077971 51.53449, 0.077976 51.534539, 0.077947 51.534594, 0.077761 51.534786, 0.077721 51.534849, 0.077727 51.534884, 0.077719 51.53491, 0.077355 51.535312, 0.07724 51.535458, 0.076997 51.535803, 0.076953 51.535851, 0.076794 51.536082, 0.076492 51.536591, 0.07678 51.536655, 0.076538 51.537183)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.074827 51.535737)",
    "entity": 40051,
    "archaeological-risk-tier": "Archaeological Priority Area - Tier I"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area