Archaeological priority area

Summary and Definition The APA covers the remaining undeveloped and open areas of Wandsworth Common. Originally the common covered a much larger area but several developments and enclosures during the 19th century greatly reduced its size. The areas

Field Value Fact links
Reference 76753 Facts
Prefix archaeological-priority-area Facts
Name Summary and Definition The APA covers the remaining undeveloped and open areas of Wandsworth Common. Originally the common covered a much larger area but several developments and enclosures during the 19th century greatly reduced its size. The areas Facts
Dataset Archaeological priority area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.174484 51.453779, -0.174521 51.453798, -0.17456 51.453841, -0.174587 51.453852, -0.175311 51.454045, -0.175457 51.454104, -0.1768 51.454764, -0.176623 51.454928, -0.176259 51.455288, -0.176015 51.455537, -0.176012 51.455555, -0.176275 51.455715, -0.176932 51.456009, -0.177252 51.45619, -0.177452 51.456325, -0.177573 51.456437, -0.177667 51.456541, -0.177759 51.456672, -0.177879 51.456884, -0.178095 51.457283, -0.178168 51.45744, -0.178176 51.457477, -0.178172 51.457551, -0.178116 51.457746, -0.178104 51.457805, -0.178099 51.457891, -0.178122 51.457979, -0.178157 51.458038, -0.178178 51.458059, -0.178295 51.458126, -0.178523 51.458226, -0.178622 51.458247, -0.178673 51.458249, -0.179776 51.458188, -0.180038 51.458153, -0.180281 51.458141, -0.180562 51.458144, -0.180799 51.458118, -0.180958 51.458076, -0.181019 51.458049, -0.181095 51.457999, -0.181125 51.457962, -0.181146 51.457922, -0.18116 51.45784, -0.181144 51.457767, -0.181121 51.457724, -0.179826 51.456191, -0.180297 51.456069, -0.180348 51.456049, -0.18031 51.455943, -0.180292 51.455801, -0.180298 51.45551, -0.180326 51.454956, -0.180357 51.45484, -0.180405 51.454734, -0.18047 51.454618, -0.180522 51.454557, -0.180664 51.454435, -0.18108 51.454241, -0.181514 51.454124, -0.181773 51.45408, -0.181812 51.454053, -0.181803 51.454024, -0.181783 51.454006, -0.181193 51.453846, -0.18083 51.453723, -0.180674 51.453612, -0.180547 51.453546, -0.17918 51.452874, -0.179138 51.452866, -0.179114 51.452874, -0.178825 51.45317, -0.178337 51.453614, -0.17805 51.453824, -0.177761 51.453536, -0.177241 51.452983, -0.177519 51.452655, -0.177917 51.452214, -0.17779 51.452171, -0.17762 51.452097, -0.177474 51.452018, -0.177331 51.451901, -0.177245 51.45181, -0.177217 51.451814, -0.177174 51.451758, -0.17719 51.451752, -0.177104 51.45165, -0.17707 51.451623, -0.177007 51.4516, -0.176972 51.451553, -0.176989 51.451531, -0.176985 51.451481, -0.176361 51.450649, -0.176304 51.450577, -0.176134 51.450399, -0.175786 51.449935, -0.175803 51.449913, -0.175793 51.449898, -0.175753 51.449875, -0.175693 51.44988, -0.17461 51.450165, -0.174122 51.45036, -0.174067 51.450375, -0.171676 51.450904, -0.17168 51.450916, -0.171583 51.450951, -0.171201 51.451011, -0.170739 51.451101, -0.170682 51.450998, -0.170661 51.450931, -0.170623 51.450741, -0.170566 51.450259, -0.17055 51.450202, -0.170497 51.450101, -0.170469 51.450065, -0.170411 51.450036, -0.16997 51.449757, -0.169919 51.449706, -0.169907 51.449683, -0.169764 51.449556, -0.1696 51.449366, -0.169381 51.449065, -0.169176 51.44876, -0.169092 51.448604, -0.168921 51.44821, -0.168902 51.448181, -0.168864 51.448036, -0.168855 51.447933, -0.168866 51.447886, -0.168887 51.447847, -0.168945 51.447785, -0.169019 51.447737, -0.169831 51.447303, -0.170563 51.446943, -0.170774 51.446851, -0.17091 51.446775, -0.171624 51.446448, -0.172645 51.445909, -0.1727 51.445901, -0.172396 51.44546, -0.171816 51.444662, -0.171474 51.444177, -0.171213 51.443852, -0.171002 51.443649, -0.170989 51.443655, -0.170886 51.443502, -0.170915 51.44349, -0.170742 51.443051, -0.170606 51.442367, -0.170572 51.442136, -0.170684 51.442056, -0.170774 51.442018, -0.170791 51.441996, -0.170632 51.441408, -0.169926 51.44162, -0.16885 51.441896, -0.167587 51.442287, -0.167633 51.442345, -0.167599 51.442356, -0.167607 51.442368, -0.167441 51.442422, -0.167379 51.44246, -0.16738 51.442476, -0.167366 51.442509, -0.167183 51.442754, -0.1671 51.442783, -0.167095 51.442777, -0.167064 51.442796, -0.167909 51.443689, -0.168082 51.443846, -0.167867 51.44404, -0.166289 51.445597, -0.166188 51.44574, -0.166146 51.445786, -0.166071 51.44585, -0.16592 51.445957, -0.165396 51.446477, -0.165135 51.446438, -0.165133 51.446395, -0.165081 51.446111, -0.164672 51.444184, -0.160852 51.444494, -0.160839 51.444693, -0.16094 51.444735, -0.160991 51.444731, -0.161012 51.444739, -0.161026 51.444757, -0.161316 51.444861, -0.161972 51.445132, -0.162519 51.445414, -0.162558 51.445381, -0.163009 51.445619, -0.163264 51.445771, -0.163563 51.445909, -0.16369 51.445993, -0.163804 51.445926, -0.163887 51.445981, -0.163777 51.446047, -0.163921 51.446141, -0.164073 51.446254, -0.164091 51.44628, -0.164287 51.446448, -0.164538 51.446711, -0.16486 51.447006, -0.164159 51.447714, -0.163918 51.448007, -0.163612 51.448321, -0.163591 51.448358, -0.163592 51.448388, -0.163602 51.448407, -0.163716 51.448523, -0.163844 51.44868, -0.165565 51.451077, -0.166306 51.452079, -0.166798 51.452819, -0.167628 51.454101, -0.168152 51.454875, -0.168529 51.455371, -0.168743 51.455624, -0.169257 51.456189, -0.169713 51.456752, -0.169935 51.457089, -0.170116 51.457397, -0.170199 51.45735, -0.17094 51.457267, -0.170941 51.457238, -0.170899 51.457171, -0.170858 51.457054, -0.170923 51.457048, -0.171122 51.4569, -0.171524 51.456704, -0.171562 51.456699, -0.171602 51.456715, -0.172057 51.456656, -0.171954 51.456342, -0.171815 51.456027, -0.172561 51.455912, -0.172605 51.456009, -0.172634 51.456024, -0.172667 51.456008, -0.172682 51.456009, -0.17269 51.456016, -0.172685 51.456027, -0.172667 51.456041, -0.172697 51.456057, -0.17285 51.456071, -0.172851 51.456064, -0.173416 51.456123, -0.173406 51.456167, -0.173812 51.456204, -0.173809 51.456214, -0.17386 51.45622, -0.173849 51.456256, -0.173942 51.456278, -0.174033 51.456127, -0.174093 51.456141, -0.174196 51.456109, -0.174224 51.456066, -0.174404 51.455882, -0.174548 51.455765, -0.174604 51.455708, -0.174733 51.455758, -0.174865 51.45575, -0.174897 51.455766, -0.174944 51.455711, -0.174884 51.455678, -0.1741 51.45509, -0.173956 51.455009, -0.173694 51.454903, -0.172528 51.45461, -0.17256 51.45452, -0.172618 51.454515, -0.172609 51.454457, -0.17267 51.454276, -0.172761 51.454162, -0.172806 51.454078, -0.172823 51.453886, -0.172908 51.453644, -0.172969 51.453417, -0.173196 51.453472, -0.17433 51.453782, -0.174357 51.453786, -0.174424 51.453774, -0.174484 51.453779))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.171029 51.450652) Facts
Archaeological risk tier Archaeological Priority Area - Tier III Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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    "prefix": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "name": "Summary and Definition The APA covers the remaining undeveloped and open areas of Wandsworth Common. Originally the common covered a much larger area but several developments and enclosures during the 19th century greatly reduced its size. The areas",
    "dataset": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-10",
    "typology": "geography",
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-0.179826 51.456191, -0.180297 51.456069, -0.180348 51.456049, -0.18031 51.455943, -0.180292 51.455801, -0.180298 51.45551, -0.180326 51.454956, -0.180357 51.45484, -0.180405 51.454734, -0.18047 51.454618, -0.180522 51.454557, -0.180664 51.454435, -0.18108 51.454241, -0.181514 51.454124, -0.181773 51.45408, -0.181812 51.454053, -0.181803 51.454024, -0.181783 51.454006, -0.181193 51.453846, -0.18083 51.453723, -0.180674 51.453612, -0.180547 51.453546, -0.17918 51.452874, -0.179138 51.452866, -0.179114 51.452874, -0.178825 51.45317, -0.178337 51.453614, -0.17805 51.453824, -0.177761 51.453536, -0.177241 51.452983, -0.177519 51.452655, -0.177917 51.452214, -0.17779 51.452171, -0.17762 51.452097, -0.177474 51.452018, -0.177331 51.451901, -0.177245 51.45181, -0.177217 51.451814, -0.177174 51.451758, -0.17719 51.451752, -0.177104 51.45165, -0.17707 51.451623, -0.177007 51.4516, -0.176972 51.451553, -0.176989 51.451531, -0.176985 51.451481, -0.176361 51.450649, -0.176304 51.450577, -0.176134 51.450399, -0.175786 51.449935, -0.175803 51.449913, -0.175793 51.449898, -0.175753 51.449875, -0.175693 51.44988, -0.17461 51.450165, -0.174122 51.45036, -0.174067 51.450375, -0.171676 51.450904, -0.17168 51.450916, -0.171583 51.450951, -0.171201 51.451011, -0.170739 51.451101, -0.170682 51.450998, -0.170661 51.450931, -0.170623 51.450741, -0.170566 51.450259, -0.17055 51.450202, -0.170497 51.450101, -0.170469 51.450065, -0.170411 51.450036, -0.16997 51.449757, -0.169919 51.449706, -0.169907 51.449683, -0.169764 51.449556, -0.1696 51.449366, -0.169381 51.449065, -0.169176 51.44876, -0.169092 51.448604, -0.168921 51.44821, -0.168902 51.448181, -0.168864 51.448036, -0.168855 51.447933, -0.168866 51.447886, -0.168887 51.447847, -0.168945 51.447785, -0.169019 51.447737, -0.169831 51.447303, -0.170563 51.446943, -0.170774 51.446851, -0.17091 51.446775, -0.171624 51.446448, -0.172645 51.445909, -0.1727 51.445901, -0.172396 51.44546, -0.171816 51.444662, -0.171474 51.444177, -0.171213 51.443852, -0.171002 51.443649, -0.170989 51.443655, -0.170886 51.443502, -0.170915 51.44349, -0.170742 51.443051, -0.170606 51.442367, -0.170572 51.442136, -0.170684 51.442056, -0.170774 51.442018, -0.170791 51.441996, -0.170632 51.441408, -0.169926 51.44162, -0.16885 51.441896, -0.167587 51.442287, -0.167633 51.442345, -0.167599 51.442356, -0.167607 51.442368, -0.167441 51.442422, -0.167379 51.44246, -0.16738 51.442476, -0.167366 51.442509, -0.167183 51.442754, -0.1671 51.442783, -0.167095 51.442777, -0.167064 51.442796, -0.167909 51.443689, -0.168082 51.443846, -0.167867 51.44404, -0.166289 51.445597, -0.166188 51.44574, -0.166146 51.445786, -0.166071 51.44585, -0.16592 51.445957, -0.165396 51.446477, -0.165135 51.446438, -0.165133 51.446395, -0.165081 51.446111, -0.164672 51.444184, -0.160852 51.444494, -0.160839 51.444693, -0.16094 51.444735, -0.160991 51.444731, -0.161012 51.444739, -0.161026 51.444757, -0.161316 51.444861, -0.161972 51.445132, -0.162519 51.445414, -0.162558 51.445381, -0.163009 51.445619, -0.163264 51.445771, -0.163563 51.445909, -0.16369 51.445993, -0.163804 51.445926, -0.163887 51.445981, -0.163777 51.446047, -0.163921 51.446141, -0.164073 51.446254, -0.164091 51.44628, -0.164287 51.446448, -0.164538 51.446711, -0.16486 51.447006, -0.164159 51.447714, -0.163918 51.448007, -0.163612 51.448321, -0.163591 51.448358, -0.163592 51.448388, -0.163602 51.448407, -0.163716 51.448523, -0.163844 51.44868, -0.165565 51.451077, -0.166306 51.452079, -0.166798 51.452819, -0.167628 51.454101, -0.168152 51.454875, -0.168529 51.455371, -0.168743 51.455624, -0.169257 51.456189, -0.169713 51.456752, -0.169935 51.457089, -0.170116 51.457397, -0.170199 51.45735, -0.17094 51.457267, -0.170941 51.457238, -0.170899 51.457171, -0.170858 51.457054, -0.170923 51.457048, -0.171122 51.4569, -0.171524 51.456704, -0.171562 51.456699, -0.171602 51.456715, -0.172057 51.456656, -0.171954 51.456342, -0.171815 51.456027, -0.172561 51.455912, -0.172605 51.456009, -0.172634 51.456024, -0.172667 51.456008, -0.172682 51.456009, -0.17269 51.456016, -0.172685 51.456027, -0.172667 51.456041, -0.172697 51.456057, -0.17285 51.456071, -0.172851 51.456064, -0.173416 51.456123, -0.173406 51.456167, -0.173812 51.456204, -0.173809 51.456214, -0.17386 51.45622, -0.173849 51.456256, -0.173942 51.456278, -0.174033 51.456127, -0.174093 51.456141, -0.174196 51.456109, -0.174224 51.456066, -0.174404 51.455882, -0.174548 51.455765, -0.174604 51.455708, -0.174733 51.455758, -0.174865 51.45575, -0.174897 51.455766, -0.174944 51.455711, -0.174884 51.455678, -0.1741 51.45509, -0.173956 51.455009, -0.173694 51.454903, -0.172528 51.45461, -0.17256 51.45452, -0.172618 51.454515, -0.172609 51.454457, -0.17267 51.454276, -0.172761 51.454162, -0.172806 51.454078, -0.172823 51.453886, -0.172908 51.453644, -0.172969 51.453417, -0.173196 51.453472, -0.17433 51.453782, -0.174357 51.453786, -0.174424 51.453774, -0.174484 51.453779)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.171029 51.450652)",
    "entity": 40027,
    "archaeological-risk-tier": "Archaeological Priority Area - Tier III"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area