Ancient woodland
Alder Shaw ext
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1482661 | Facts |
Prefix | ancient-woodland | Facts |
Name | Alder Shaw ext | Facts |
Dataset | Ancient woodland | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2024-09-27 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((0.281372 51.067896, 0.281471 51.067876, 0.28149 51.067858, 0.281496 51.067838, 0.281488 51.067794, 0.281425 51.067678, 0.281331 51.067578, 0.281379 51.067555, 0.281823 51.067588, 0.282846 51.067684, 0.283221 51.067706, 0.283397 51.06769, 0.283531 51.067652, 0.283586 51.067611, 0.283658 51.067535, 0.283715 51.067459, 0.283746 51.067436, 0.283849 51.067394, 0.283905 51.067394, 0.28398 51.067422, 0.284046 51.067459, 0.284108 51.067512, 0.284091 51.067573, 0.284046 51.067599, 0.28395 51.067592, 0.283886 51.0676, 0.283692 51.067676, 0.283551 51.06772, 0.283473 51.067735, 0.283254 51.067748, 0.283145 51.067786, 0.282293 51.067829, 0.281975 51.067851, 0.281776 51.067874, 0.281372 51.067896)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (0.282513 51.067689)
Facts |
Ancient woodland status | ASNW | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "1482661",
"prefix": "ancient-woodland",
"name": "Alder Shaw ext",
"dataset": "ancient-woodland",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2024-09-27",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.281372 51.067896, 0.281471 51.067876, 0.28149 51.067858, 0.281496 51.067838, 0.281488 51.067794, 0.281425 51.067678, 0.281331 51.067578, 0.281379 51.067555, 0.281823 51.067588, 0.282846 51.067684, 0.283221 51.067706, 0.283397 51.06769, 0.283531 51.067652, 0.283586 51.067611, 0.283658 51.067535, 0.283715 51.067459, 0.283746 51.067436, 0.283849 51.067394, 0.283905 51.067394, 0.28398 51.067422, 0.284046 51.067459, 0.284108 51.067512, 0.284091 51.067573, 0.284046 51.067599, 0.28395 51.067592, 0.283886 51.0676, 0.283692 51.067676, 0.283551 51.06772, 0.283473 51.067735, 0.283254 51.067748, 0.283145 51.067786, 0.282293 51.067829, 0.281975 51.067851, 0.281776 51.067874, 0.281372 51.067896)))",
"point": "POINT (0.282513 51.067689)",
"entity": 110000006,
"ancient-woodland-status": "ASNW"
© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.