Ancient woodland

Ballsocks Shaw

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1482130 Facts
Prefix ancient-woodland Facts
Name Ballsocks Shaw Facts
Dataset Ancient woodland no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-09-27 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.26923 50.935163, 0.269336 50.935106, 0.269145 50.934929, 0.269311 50.934902, 0.269456 50.934847, 0.269524 50.934839, 0.269575 50.934851, 0.269626 50.934878, 0.269659 50.934904, 0.269689 50.934945, 0.26988 50.934916, 0.269946 50.935074, 0.269942 50.935188, 0.269997 50.93529, 0.270089 50.935298, 0.270083 50.935477, 0.270064 50.935704, 0.269932 50.935707, 0.269758 50.935728, 0.269711 50.935741, 0.269603 50.935809, 0.26954 50.93583, 0.269432 50.93584, 0.269358 50.935836, 0.269187 50.935805, 0.269145 50.935786, 0.269107 50.93575, 0.269057 50.935656, 0.269061 50.935639, 0.269085 50.93561, 0.268742 50.935564, 0.268793 50.935498, 0.268845 50.93547, 0.268918 50.935415, 0.269018 50.935275, 0.269068 50.93524, 0.26923 50.935163))) Facts
Point POINT (0.269513 50.935379) Facts
Ancient woodland status ASNW Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1482130",
    "prefix": "ancient-woodland",
    "name": "Ballsocks Shaw",
    "dataset": "ancient-woodland",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-09-27",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.26923 50.935163, 0.269336 50.935106, 0.269145 50.934929, 0.269311 50.934902, 0.269456 50.934847, 0.269524 50.934839, 0.269575 50.934851, 0.269626 50.934878, 0.269659 50.934904, 0.269689 50.934945, 0.26988 50.934916, 0.269946 50.935074, 0.269942 50.935188, 0.269997 50.93529, 0.270089 50.935298, 0.270083 50.935477, 0.270064 50.935704, 0.269932 50.935707, 0.269758 50.935728, 0.269711 50.935741, 0.269603 50.935809, 0.26954 50.93583, 0.269432 50.93584, 0.269358 50.935836, 0.269187 50.935805, 0.269145 50.935786, 0.269107 50.93575, 0.269057 50.935656, 0.269061 50.935639, 0.269085 50.93561, 0.268742 50.935564, 0.268793 50.935498, 0.268845 50.93547, 0.268918 50.935415, 0.269018 50.935275, 0.269068 50.93524, 0.26923 50.935163)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.269513 50.935379)",
    "entity": 110000047,
    "ancient-woodland-status": "ASNW"

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area